View Full Version : does anyone get trigger point pain?

16-07-08, 03:24
hi everyone,

I have been so panicked about what, other than anxiety, might be causing this pain I get on the right side of my head, next to my ear, and over my right eye. I just came across some information about trigger point pain and am wondering if this might be the cause, since I can feel at least two bumps/knots between my neck and shoulder on the right side which I am assuming are from tight muscles.

So, my questions are, does/has anyone else experienced these symptoms, and if so, how did you treat them? I have been applying heat to the affected areas and that helps. I also found a trigger point workbook that I am seriously thinking about buying. I am just sick of worrying about this.

Thanks for your time!


16-07-08, 03:28
I have experienced it once or twice. Each time I have I have been on my stationary bike? I am not sure why it occured at that time but that is the only time I have ever had it. Have you talked to your doctor, what is their opinion? If you think the book will be helpful and not cause more worry maybe give it a shot. Either way feel better soon!

17-07-08, 13:49
I think you could be grinding you teeth at night i had a similar pain to this last year it was really painful near my ear but affected my whole head and neck area,my doc thought i was grinding my teeth think this is called bruxism you could try a dental mouth guard to keep your mouth apart in your sleep you can get these from places like boots i think or you could try a dentist but i'm sure they would charge a fortune.