View Full Version : in huge turmoil!

16-07-08, 08:17
I started a job on Monday, a place which is a great company and they all apeared wonderful and what not but into the first day I felt sick to my stomach and something inside of me was shouting NO!!!

The 2nd day was actually worse, I wanted to sick up it felt so wrong and I came away with tension headaches both days feeling totally ill. I called them this morning to say I am sorry but this is not for me and they are kicking up a storm trying to get me to stay.

But you know when your whole body is just in revolt and something is screaming NO in your head and you just don't want to do it ...well that is how I feel. I can't explain why or how the feeling came about, I am totally lost as to where this feeling has come from as I was excited to start the job but hey it just sucks, the team is small and I am inexperianced small surveyo r or 3 years and felt that I was totally wrong for the job.

Since then I have contacted my old company who have a position for me in a different division so I avoid my old ******* boss....

I feel a mixture of feelings, like stupid and pathetic bit of a diva...but I just can't do it you know anybody else felt like this???

I have not been in so much turmoil for a very long time.

16-07-08, 10:54
It seems to me you should follow your gut instinct. When you get those 'NO' feelings it's always wise to listen to them. I know it's upsetting when you get that sort of feeling and you don't really know why, but I think you've done the right thing.
Hope it all works out for you! xxx

milly jones
16-07-08, 11:25
sometimes its braver to follow ur feelings than trying to continue just cos u think u should.

have u got someone who u can chat this over with who understands the job etc?

it may be just anx over changes and performance, i dont know. (that would be me! lol)

praps one of ur old work colleagues could help?

for me i would try and write down the pros and cons to make ur mind clearer.

good luck with whatever decision u make

mill xxx

16-07-08, 11:51
thank you for the replies. I have spoken to a number of people in addition I have also spoken to my Therapist and various people.

My main problem, and I think I needed to put this in the first post, was that on the Monday I arrived and nothing was avalible, no desk, no phone no space. I ended up desk sharing with someone. Nothing is set up, it is going to take 6 months to get a pass the travel there is not bad but I have since learnt that the parking is 20 minutes away and I have to catch a bus which was not what I was lead to believe.

The woman training me up, went so fast and just moaned about the company and said there is no flexible time, there is no working from home. There is no laptops, normally I have a laptop thought this was something that I was going to have. So in essence I started feeling like a spare wheel and the worst bit is that there are no definite dates everything is very much indefinit so who knows when I will even get a PC...I can't sit around twiddeling thumbs for weeks on end might sound like luxury to some people but it's a nightmare for me. so i told them no thanks

I like order, if things had been in order maybe I would be feeling different if I had a desk to sit at even but it's all these promises that they are failing to deliver. If that are failing to deliver them this early on then what about the rest of the time...PLUS I find out from someone else that come December I am going to be transfered as the section I am in is disolving as of the 31st so there is no plan for me either.