View Full Version : Chest pain

27-04-05, 17:53
Can anyone tell me if they suffer from chest pain on and off all day? I have I B S and was wonder if you can get chest pain from your somach..[Duh!] I know it sound stupid. But its doing my head in wondering why.I no you can get arm pain from stomach as i was told from one of the doctors i seen. The left arm they says as your stomach and heart share the same nerve..Well i think thats what they meant.. Well any info would be great...

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

27-04-05, 17:54
I get chest pain thw whole time but I don't think it's anything to do with my stomach - just a side-effect of anxiety..:D

27-04-05, 17:57
ok seh1980. thanks for that.Its driving me round the bend..Is your comming and going aswell?

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

27-04-05, 17:58
I suffer from the same. In fact when I get my nerves going I feel the nee to use the bathroom. I alway have the chest pain. After being on the potty for a bit, the chest pain subsides.



27-04-05, 17:58
hi Fran as sarah says chest pains are so common with anxiety :([xx(]

27-04-05, 17:59
Thanks all. lol.fran

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

27-04-05, 18:56
hi Fran,

Yes, mine comes and goes as well though I no longer have it everyday thank goodness. It goes away once to stop worrying about it..

Sarah :D

27-04-05, 22:28
hi fran

My son had chest pain and stomach pain recently he is on codine and ibuprofen for a problem with his leg, took him to doctors and i was told the chest pain was due to acid in the stomach coming up the chest which was causing the pain in chest. It can also b down to anxiety.

linda xx