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16-07-08, 11:09
hi im here to get an understanding of panic attacks and anxiety as my wife suffers with these any advice would be appreciated

16-07-08, 11:34
Hi bubblegum

Welcome to NMP I am sure you will get lots of good advise on here and find many people will help you to understand what your wife is going through.


milly jones
16-07-08, 13:20
welcome to nmp

im a sufferer and my hb has joined like you to understand

thank you

milly xx

16-07-08, 19:34

It all depends what kind of 'patient' your wife is, as people respond differently.
Personally, I like the reassurance that I can ring my husband at work and know that he will come home (I have never had to do this, but just knowing I can helps)
Also I like the weekly routine to be fairly rigid so I know whats happening on a given day, with no surprises thrown in. I know this affects spontaneous activity, but routine helps some people cope.
Also get your wife a book, there are many good ones out there, but depends on type/cause of your wife's panic and let her read it, then you read it. It might help her to rationalise whats happening to her and help you to understand what the heck is going on! Some books have tasks that aid recovery, so you could support her with these.

She is very lucky to have you. Hope you get the help that you both need.

Moo xx:)

lou lou
17-07-08, 18:00
Hi my fiance had no understanding of my PA's if i told him i was having one he assumed that we should just go to the hospital, i'm sure people on here will agree with me when i say that my panic attacks really are the scariest thing i have ever experienced, Things that make me feel better is my Fiance staying calm, reassuring me that i'm not in any danger, he tells me to think about the last time i had one & that nothing happened to me then & nothing will happen to me now, i also find that having a distraction can help, for me this is a computer game or a book because most of my attacks come on at night.
Hope this helps