View Full Version : Just wanted to say....

16-07-08, 11:19
...a really big thank you to everyone who was so kind to me when I got myself all upset over that thread on Monday :hugs: You are all so lovely to me, and even though the thread upset me, the whole incident has just served to remind me why I love this site and the kind and sympathetic people on it! :flowers: xxxx

16-07-08, 17:03
Oh, come on... give me a hug, someone! xxx

milly jones
16-07-08, 17:13
hey hun

thats why were all here samira

uve been there for me in the past

lots of hugs hun

milly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-07-08, 17:16
hiya hun, im so pleased u r happy hun and u r most welcome, we all look after each other here and we are all special. u have contributed loads on here and u should be proud that u are helping others as well as helping yourself. huge big hugs to u matey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-07-08, 18:35
I knew I could rely on you two lol
:bighug1:to you both from me. xxx

Anna C
16-07-08, 18:58
A hug from me too!
By the time I tried to add anything to that thread it had already been closed!
I hope you're not still upset about it and that you are feeling happy today.

:hugs: Take care Anna x

16-07-08, 21:38
:bighug1: hugs matey xxxxxxxxx

Cathy V
16-07-08, 21:45
Now come on samira, you know i dont really do the hug thing, but seeing as how its you, well just this one ok? :hugs:

Hope you feel better tomorrow
Cathy xxx

17-07-08, 11:15
Gosh I'm privileged Cathy! here have one back from me :hugs:
And one for you too Anna! :hugs: xx

17-07-08, 11:29
I not really a "huggy" type of person either Samira but I think this site is starting to get to me!

So..coming in your direction..:hugs: :)

17-07-08, 13:36
No worries Samira, hoping today is a brighter day for you.

Monday was along time ago ! Think of a bright and positive day for today and dreams for tomorrow :winks:! x

17-07-08, 15:03
Hey you two, have some :hugs: :hugs: back from me.
Seriously, this site is the best and I love you all (awww)

Hope 2
18-07-08, 01:43
Hi Samira :flowers:

Im just glad you are feeling ok again, and like some of the others.......I am getting all mushy too.............hey I can feel the luuuuuuuuuuuurve :D ...........seriously tho, have a big old squeeze from me
Cheery Bye
Hope xx

21-07-08, 12:26
Thanks Hope! :hugs:
Could do with a hug today, feeling a bit rubbish... :weep: xxx

21-07-08, 12:32
hiya samira im sorry u feeling rubbish today we all get our days i was like that last week, im sending u a big :bighug1: and hope u better soon mateyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-07-08, 13:21
I dont know what your all on about, but heres a hug anyway :hugs: xx

21-07-08, 19:31
Can I join in with the hugs??! I'm pretty new here but here is a hug! :bighug1:

Vicki x

21-07-08, 20:04
Donna, Emma Jane and Vicki,
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Big hugs for you all!
Come on, who's next?! xxx

Anna C
21-07-08, 23:21
You want more hugs!!! :D
Okay then -I was only joking. :hugs:

I hope you're feeling better now.
I get days when I feel down too.

Take care Anna xx :hugs: