View Full Version : How many times have you been to the doctor this year?

16-07-08, 11:45
It's getting to the point where it's getting embarrassing :blush:

I was at my GP yesterday, admittedly for a breast lump so of course no waiting around, but in the past 6 months I've certainly feel as if I've been in and out on a regular basis. When I make the appointment I'm wondering if the receptionists are now recognizing my name :ohmy: and when I walk in the GP's office, I think that they think "oh know, her again, what's wrong this time". I'm trying to book different doctors so they don't remember me :D but I'm sure they read my notes before I go in

I know some people who rarely go so do they just put up with stuff?

I swear I could go every month and sometimes have to stop myself. :wacko:

16-07-08, 11:57
Hi Jenny

If you feel the need to to the doctors then go, if you have a good doctor then he or she will understand your need for reassurance don't worry about how many times you need to go if it makes you feel better that is all that matters.

Take care


16-07-08, 12:21
Yep, been there done that. I was there every week if not more when I was really ill with HA. I still go now but I try to not go if I can restrain myself. Luckily my GP is fab with me. But now I am feeling a bit better I have got to the point where I can't be bothered to go! I can't face the walk up there to be told it's HA again!

16-07-08, 13:09
1. When I found out about my brain tumour.

2. Serc 18 for my vertigo

3. The doctor wanted to check my blood pressure.

4. For repeat medication check.


So 4 times.

16-07-08, 13:15
The receptionist sure knows me!!!!!:blush:

We talk sometimes she is very understanding, I wish the Drs was more so

Don't worry you go it you feel the need to :hugs:

milly jones
16-07-08, 13:18
hi hun

ive not got ha, but gad and sa and dep illness

i go weekly to gp

i go weekly to psychologist

i go monthly to psychiatrist

i also attend occupational health

the staff know me and i dont care anymore. somehow i seem to be able to separate my feelings of inadequacy because they are health professionals, and i expect them to keep their opinions to themselves, lol

the rest of the worlds opinion of me, well thats a different kettle of fish lol

milly xx

16-07-08, 13:59
Since last July:

31 GP visits

2 Specialists

3 Visits to A&E (ER)

16-07-08, 14:51
hi honey
my wife is a medical secretary in charge of receptions at 3 surgeries.she would never ever think of someone like you in any negative way
she recieves training and constant evaluation over treating all patients with "unconditional positive regard" and the only moans she ever has are about abusive patients,never ,ever about the frequency of someone like you coming to a g.p.i would like to think we live in a compassionate society
that is beyond that.
take good care
much love
ade x:)

16-07-08, 19:40
This is something I think about.

Before I had HA, I never went to the docs, I went when I was 18 to see the doc who delivered me and he said the last time I saw you I held you up and checked u were all there lol.

Now I am a frequent visitor to the docs and always think they must see its me coming in and think gawd not her again.

Some docs are great and understand the need for reassurance with HA but some are not so helpful.

I always think..... better to go get checked out that not go even if it is nothing
