View Full Version : Hello

16-07-08, 12:35

This is my first post here, this seems to be a great website, I wanted to say hello, I have been suffering from Anxiety/Panic for many years. I hope to learn form all of you.:)


16-07-08, 12:38
Hello and a big :welcome: to NMP!
Hope to see you around xxx

milly jones
16-07-08, 13:08
hi D

this is indeed a wondeful tool for managing anx

welcome hun

milly xx

16-07-08, 13:55
Hello and welcome x

16-07-08, 14:57
Hiya, :welcome: to nmp its great to have you here. You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


16-07-08, 15:12
Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome!!!

I look foward to making some great friends here, and learning how to cope with this anxeity.
I am 41 and live in Rhode Island in the United States, I see there are alot people from all over the world here, how wonderful we all can share our experiences.
I look foward to sharing with all of you.


16-07-08, 15:22
Heya D:D ,
Welcome to NMP:welcome:

16-07-08, 15:56
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

16-07-08, 16:17
Hi D and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

16-07-08, 17:55
hi there and welcome to nmp, you will get some great advice and support here and meet new friends too. this site has helped me loads and also so many others, everyone here is lovely and really friendly. hugs xx

16-07-08, 18:15
Hello D

Welcome to the site, I am sure you will get lots of help and advise on here.


16-07-08, 19:59
Hi D

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

17-07-08, 16:14
Hi D,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


18-07-08, 11:44
Hello D And Welcome To The Site ........wish Ya Well.........linda

18-07-08, 18:34
Hello, to all of you great people, you make me feel so welcome, Thank you so much, I look foward to sharing with all of you.
This site is surly much different than other anxiety sites. Glad I found it!! I would like to give you all a :bighug:


18-07-08, 19:09
hiya *D*:welcome:

jeni xxxx:bighug1:

19-07-08, 00:15
Hi D

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx