View Full Version : Swollen Uvula: Must Google

16-07-08, 13:23
Over the last 2 weeks I've had a mildly swollen uvula. It causes me to gag often its very bothersome. I had a cold about 2 weeks a go but that has since subsided. This thing just persists. I mentioned it to my doctor at the time and he didn’t seem concerned. But now it’s on and off all day. I really want to Google it but I'm afraid of the anxiety it will set off. Any advice?

16-07-08, 13:43
:D An elongated uvula may cause vibrations leading to snoring. It can be surgically removed (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty-(UPPP/U3P); however this operation can also lead to sleep apnea if scar tissue forms and the air passage in the velopharnx are decreased. Research has shown 40%-60% effectiveness in reducing sleep apnea with the UPPP treatment. However it may return and sometimes is even worse than before the UPPP.
Uvulitis - Swollen uvulas-
* Smoking or other inhaled irritants may cause the uvula to swell.
* Snoring may also cause the uvula to swell.
* Dehydration- arid weather or dry conditions in home during winter such as forced air heating system.
* Viral or bacterial infections.
* Allergies
* Acid reflux
When the uvula swells, it can expand 3-5 times its normal size, causing a gagging or choking sensation. This could make it difficult to breath, talk or eat.:yesyes: Looks like you may need to wait till it goes down, but its not a serious life threatening problem that I can see

21-07-08, 17:42
Thanks! Thats a unique approach to Google prevention! Have some on else do it for you and give you the results. Maybe we could start a service on nomorepanic that offers to do your Googling for you. I have many of those issues you listed, and Im going to the ENT in 3 weeks. Thanks for all your help.

21-07-08, 20:13
lol Any time

19-01-09, 05:40
Does Uvula Infection Give Bad Breath
??????????/please Reply Any1
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