View Full Version : Im rubbish

16-07-08, 13:50
Sorry to be such a misery but today i feel really sad about how restricted my life has become. How can it be so hard for someone to get in the bloody car or go for a walk or to be able not "to think" for a couple of minutes. I feel like im really letting my children down. I must be such a crap person and mother and wife and friend. Im so annoyed and let down by myself.:lac:

16-07-08, 14:02
Aww hun, please don't put all the blame on yourself. One step at a time remember and things will get better, you just need to keep on telling yourself that :hugs:.


16-07-08, 14:45
rubbish are you rubbish xxxxxx
i rememeber when i was in a very forward thinking psychiatric unit in bristol,they took me through the "neuropsychology" of anxiety disorders
and one of the most destructive elements was shown to be how we make sweeping "negative self statements" when overwhelmed by anxiety.you would probably never be so harsh on someone else,just yourself.its chemical,and it accompanies all the difficulties you describe.the fact that you try,and become so frustrated at the limitations of anxiety,says many strong and positive things to me.i send you much love and hope you will be kinder and more "realistic" about your struggles,i.e you face many obstacles yet you keep trying
take good care
ade xxxxx

16-07-08, 17:49
Ade is right on the money. The very fact that you are not satisfied with your current quality of life makes it abundantly clear that you are anything but rubbish. Rubbish doesn't give a fig how things are.

As one example: in your post you express love, concern and caring for your loved ones. If you truly were of no worth, you would not exhibit that tendency.

I suspect that if you were to ask your loved ones, they would be able to give you a million reasons why you are not rubbish to them.

Having said that, I understand where you are coming from. I struggle with periods where I feel utterly worthless and trapped. While my emotions lean in that direction, my intellect also reminds me of instances where I was able to move past the anxiety, even if only for a few moments or hours.

Take heart. You can and will get there. It may be one small step at a time, with your walk punctuated by a setback now and then, but you will make it.

16-07-08, 17:55
How can you call yourself a crap person??
Did you want to be like this, did you choose this in your life path? Of course you didn't.

If you are crap then i am crapper!!!!

milly jones
16-07-08, 18:01
the person who sent me a pm today was not rubbish.

that was a lovely, caring and compassionate woman helping another sufferer

thank you

we all do more good than we give ourselves credit for sometimes. we all concentrate on what we cant do not what we can.

ur posting on nmp, thats a good step in the right direction hun

take heart from the successes on here, u can learn to cope with this.

like the others say, little steps


milly xxxx

17-07-08, 09:12
You are all so lovely and going to have me blubbing again - thank you all so much xxxxxxxxx

17-07-08, 10:21
Remember bab that if you ever need to talk then writing it all down here may help, sometimes just talking about it can be a huge relief.
