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16-07-08, 17:38
I am a 30 year old wife of 5 years, a mother of 2 and I suffer from anxiety, panic and mild depression. I can't tell you when it started as I have very mild symptoms as far back as I can remember. But I can tell you that in the last 6 months is when it came full force. In feb. I went back to work after maternity leave with my youngest (17 mo now) and I had a horrible time adjusting. My husband had been let go from his job 2 months prior and still hadn't been able to find something (hasn't until now) so atleast he was home with our kids (daughter is 4 yrs now). I was having pain in my chest, dizziness and shortness of breath. I finally broke down to my husband and he said I needed to go to our dr. I went a month ago and he believes I have a chemical imbalance that is causing the anxiety/panic attacks and the mild depression. He put me on Paxil and told me to come back in a month (this afternoon). I have been better this month but I still don't feel normal.

16-07-08, 17:46
hiya and welcome to nmp, u will get so much help and advice here and people are so very genuine, you will make new friends too. keep posting and we will do our best to help u hugs xx

16-07-08, 17:49
I'm new here too so hopefully we'll find our way around this forum together. So far people have been nothing but helpful.

I've been on anti-depressants for years and the one thing I have learned is that you have to be patient. Which is so easy to say and so hard to do. I mean harder than anything else in life. Four weeks seems like forever when you are in the pit but in terms of depression medication its a short period. So long as they are helping you and you aren't having any major side effects it might be best to just give them a few more weeks. See if the improvement continues.

Sadly changing from one to another often involves starting again from scratch - so its always best to give each one a chance.

I hope you find some help here. If nothing else know that there the people talking to you have been there - they aren't just reading what they learnt in a book.


16-07-08, 18:11
Hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. There are lots of us here who can totaly relate to what you are going through and feeling.
Keep posting and talk to us about things and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


milly jones
16-07-08, 18:22
welcome to nmp hun

meds take time to kick in and sometimes u have to wait to get the dose right

hang in there for a bit, then if ur still not happy chat to ur gp again hun

love milly xxx

16-07-08, 19:57
Hi jcapson

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

16-07-08, 23:11
Hello jcapson, welcome xx

17-07-08, 05:02
Welcome! Very happy you have found this forum, it is an excellent source of support!!!

17-07-08, 16:21
Hi JCapson,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


17-07-08, 23:03
Hi Jcapson and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

18-07-08, 11:38
Hello Jcapson And Welcome To The Site ..wish Ya Well........linda