View Full Version : My Story....

16-07-08, 20:49
First off I want to say WOW to this site.. It is a great place for us all and I appreciate the efforts of everyone that is keeping this up and running.

Ok so I named this thread my story because I feel compelled to share with everyone here. if it's a little long I'm sorry in advance.

I have always been a stress ball and I know this. Battling depression and anxiety pretty much all my life. I didn't realize that if left unchecked for an extended period of time it would start morphing into something bigger than I was prepared to deal with.

This year has been crazy. I uprooted myself from my home province to move. Once moved my partner and I decided to buy a condo and finally sold the condo for a house. Now this was in the timeframe of 2 years. That is a lot of moving and this house that we are in well it needs a lot of work so I don't even get to enjoy the benefits of having a house.

My relationship has been a battle for a while now and that is no surprise as almost all my past relationships were horrible including the physically abusive one I had when I was 18.

Now fighting with life, myself, my partner and now this house, something inside me broke. I gave up.

I started to worry ALL the time.. This time I was only worrying about myself. I would feel dizzy (still do from time to time) I couldn't breath and my chest started to hurt really bad.

I freaked out. I Googled every symptom I though I was having and we all know how well that goes over. You google a sore finger and it tells you that you have prostate cancer. Not a great idea for myself.

Feeling scared and panicky I went to the doctor that diagnosed everything I was going through was allergies.

Seems that my house was really old and all the Reno's we were doing stirred up all kinds of crap in the air. I always knew I had issues with dust <getting all stuffed up> but never this bad. I'm ALLERGIC!!!

So a simple allergy turned into lung cancer and brain tumors, diabetes and so on.

I still have days that I feel like I am just off. Where there must be something wrong with me even though my many trips to the doctor suggest otherwise. I feel your pain you guy I really do and I guess in ending I want to say that we are all in this together and we will all find our way out towards a happy health life.

milly jones
16-07-08, 21:04
ok nmp unwritten rule

googlings banned lol

i dont worry about my health, but do worry, so i can empathise with u

glad u can see that the future contains a happy healthy life

milly xxx

16-07-08, 21:06
LOL.. yes Google is out for all of us.... !!..

We all have a happy life just waiting to pop out and say hello...

16-07-08, 21:28
Hi Jason

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Thanks for the kind words about the site as well.

16-07-08, 21:42
LOL.. yes Google is out for all of us.... !!..

We all have a happy life just waiting to pop out and say hello...

I'm allowed to Google.:D

17-07-08, 09:42
We need a Google Jar lol ....

17-07-08, 10:42
Hi Jason

Absolutely no googling it only makes matters worse.

Welcome to the site Jason I am sure you will get lots of good advise from people on here.


17-07-08, 10:50
Google is BAAADDD. I was convinced I had CJD for about three weeks because of bloody Google.

Anywho, welcome to the site Jason. It's great place, really wonderful support system. If you ever need to chat, just PM me. ^-^