View Full Version : Is This An Eating Disorder Or What???

16-07-08, 21:37
Hi All:D

I have a real problem here:blush:

I cannot seem to eat:wacko:

I have a thing about my teeth, I go to dentist every 6 months and she says my teeth are ok but the roots are exposed which means they are going black at the top and Im terrified of them breaking/falling out!!!

Also I used to be massivly overweight and have shed it all bar a couple of stones and Im scared of putting weight on again:wacko:

I do feel hungry but have a mental block that stops me eating!!!

Hubby dishes up dinner, I push it round plate and leave it!!!!

Im not anorexic cos I dont see me as fat

Im not bulimic cos I dont pig out!!!

Can anyone help with this????

Kaz x x x

Ps My diet today was 1 complan

Yesterday a bowl of cereal

Monday was nothing at all!!!

K x

Cathy V
16-07-08, 22:52
Kaz, what were you eating when losing weight? more than this now? i think its a combination of not wanting to put the weight back on and fear of losing your teeth. But you know that eating very little means your body will keep hold of fat for longer dont you? it goes into emergency mode and slows down how much it burns.

Take care
cathy xxx

16-07-08, 23:04
hi kaz i can relate to u with the eating thing i lost stone and half and i have ever since been obsessed with calories and dont eat much. my body fat at mo is 20.5 which is ok but if i get stressed i dont eat and i always worry about getting fat now, its a horrid feeling really. i used to be a 12-14 after my daughter now i am 8-10. my counsellor said i havent an eating disorder but i do have some form of control over my food and i use this wheni have stress in my life and she said she wants to keep and eyes on it. a good tip is i halfed my meals and didnt have them piled up so much but i exercise ever day lots of walking. u do need to eat sensible cos from my experience if i dont then i get moody tired and very tearful. u need to eat more than u are i have cereal in morn sarnie at lunch and meal in evening but i have mayb chicken and veg or mostly wot i want but smaller portion. u wont get fat doing this hun but if u dont eat at all u will get ill and u will start to have problems.

16-07-08, 23:14
Thank u both:hugs:

This is so looney I just dont know what to do!!!!!

I think my main prob is my teeth......NHS wont fix and cant afford to go private!!!!

Had no probs eating sweets tonight:blush:

Prob is Im diabetic and this erratic eating is playing havoc with my blood sugar........already got neuropathy due to diabetes!!!!

Sorry for whinging!!!!

Kaz x x x:hugs:

16-07-08, 23:19
Hi Kazz

Why won't the NHS fix the teeth?

If you are diabetic you must eat as well

What about something like Slimfast milkshakes - not for the weight loss but because they are full of nutrients and a complete meal in one shake

You must eat - your panic will go haywire if you don't!

16-07-08, 23:20
aww whinge all u like hun, nightmare with yr teeth its so expensive dentists i went through this with them. u saying sweets i could do with some now hehe

16-07-08, 23:25

Seems my teeth are ok......cosmetic dentistry isent done on nhs!!!!

Just had enuff of it all:blush:

Need to win lotto lol

Kaz x x x:hugs:

16-07-08, 23:34
I need 2 caps doing and they are nearly £200 each as well!! This is on the NHS too.

Mad isn't it

16-07-08, 23:42
Hi Kazzie, I have a severe dental phobia, had all my top teeth out last year due to it, and just suffered problems recently with the false ones so I know where you are coming from, only this eveing I had an appt cancelled,but being a diabetic is even more important you get advice regarding your eating maybe you could get advice/help from a dietician?

16-07-08, 23:55
Think Im gonna have to chat to my GP re this

Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-07-08, 00:10
Good idea Kaz.xxx

17-07-08, 04:08
Kaz darlin -
You have to eat whether you feel hungry or not.
It doesn't have to be anything hard or chewy.
Try some soft stuff like oatmeal in the morning.
Maybe some fruit smoothies or fruit that is soft like bananas.
I have a horrible problem with my teeth at the moment - well for awhile now!! - and here is a recipe that may not sound great but it is really tasty....
Got it off the net a while back...
Combine ground beef, bread crumbs, and a egg. Peel and cut some large-ish zucchinis into 1"-2" sections and hollow out the middle. Stuffed the insides with the meat mixture. Place some olive oil in a large pan and lightly fry the zuchinis until they're nice and brown. Then fill the pan up with chicken broth, cover, and let it simmer until everything's all yummy and tasty and mushy. Serve it over rice.
Instead of rice I have also used really well done egg noodles and it is even better :)
Hope your doc can help figure a way to get your teeth fixed cuz I know how painful it is!!!!

milly jones
17-07-08, 08:59
awwe hunny

i feel for u hun

i think i used food as a way of controlling my life. i lost loads weight, but im still unhappy with myself.

i try really hard to eat healthily now.

i really believe in oily fish and wholefoods. know its not easy to chew, lol but i have tinned mackeral on a bagel each morning.

sounds foul, but i know ive had a good breakfast.

we eat alot of vegetables at tea time, often steamed or stir fried with a small amount of protein.

not so fond of fruit, but love eton mess for a treat with fresh raspberries lol, or the good old bananas.

think u have to eat what u fancy, little and often.

home made soup is also really good to get nutrients too.

i find eating in public quite difficult too at times, tho i am getting much braver

sorry for rambling

mill xx

17-07-08, 09:53
Kazzie i think you should talk to you doc about this
Maybe if the doc can see that this is causing phycological probs with your eating then he/she can get something done for you reguarding your teeth on the nhs. ive heard of ppl getting boob jobs/ nose jobs done on the nhs as it effects then badly so why not bloody teeth
best of look to you hun


17-07-08, 14:46
Thanks everyone for the support and ideas:hugs:

Ive come to realise I spend my life worrying about my blasted teeth!!!:blush:

I dont feel in control of my life right now so maybe the food thing is something I can control so dont eat to prove a point!!!:lac:

Well so far today I have had a complan so not good really:mad:

Kaz x:hugs:

17-07-08, 18:51

It might not be an eating disorder right now but sounds like you are on the road to one. Diabetes, as you know, is nothing to play around with and you must eat on a regular basis. Try to focus on the big picture - your health. You are right, when you have an issue with food it is not about the food itself but about control. It is a dangerous game though and since you already have a serious health issue please do not play it. Do take care of yourself and eat wisely.

Love and many hugs,


17-07-08, 21:23
I think sometimes we can develop a kind of phobia about eating things, like an anxiety that can be hard to shake at times.

17-07-08, 22:29
Thanks all:hugs:

Think I have it sorted now

Seems to be a food phobia caused by teeth

Have an appt to see my gp on 6th August, seems if you have gp backing you can have cosmetic stuff done on nhs if its affecting your life

Meanwhile doing babystep approach and today I have had

1 complan

1 glass of milk

Alaughing cow cheese portion

Fruit cocktail and ice cream

Slice of marmite on toast

A jaffa cake cake bar

So getting there!!!!

Thanks again

Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-07-08, 23:07
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

17-07-08, 23:20
Thanks Ellen:hugs:

Kaz x:hugs: