View Full Version : Funny story - can only happen to someone with health anxiety

16-07-08, 22:50
Just a bit of light relief. If you have health anxiety then you should always check the toilet if you use public loos!

I went into a cafe toilet today and for the first time ever didn't look down the toilet before I went. I have a wee and turned round to flush and nearly died of fright as the toilet was full of blood.

As you can imagine the panic was instant until I remembered that I hadn't looked in the toilet so it maybe was there before I went.

I tried to calm down but as soon as I got home I made myself go again just to be sure it wasn't me and of course my wee was perfectly normal but just made me smile that something like this had to happen to someone with health anxiety:whistles:

16-07-08, 23:53
LOL i hate using public toilets and i always hovver when i pee and use toilet paper to flush the toilet and dont touch a thing and my kids are the same and even at school they keep it all in until they get in and then stink me out and fight over who is going first, i guess i should be pleased that they find my toilet clean enough for them to use hahaha

16-07-08, 23:56
I have had to become a toilet watcher as my consultant wants to know what comes out (sorry tmi).

So I look before, during and after lol

17-07-08, 00:21
:emot-puke: LOL what a thread to start, well it will certanly put u off ya lunch hehehe

milly jones
17-07-08, 08:35
i hate public loos

i like donna will not sit down

i use loo paper to lift the seat first, then hover

i hate touching the flush too, and the door lock, i use loo roll, lol

i always wash my hands and have been known to leave a tap on rather than touch it again to switch off.

wont use hand dryers if i have to touch them too.

getting out the toilet door back into the shop can also be a hassle cos u have to touch the handle.

hate shopping trolleys too.

what a funny world we live in lol. would be hilarious if there was cctv

milly xx

what a nasty person to leave the toilet in such a state for the next person anyway, not nice

17-07-08, 09:50
Ewwwwww, yes, I woulda freaked too. They could at least have flushed the toilet, that's disgusting!

I'm like Milly and Donna, I don't like to touch the handles or the taps (particularly if men use the toilet too). I have to use a bit of tissue to touch anything and I will NOT sit on the seat - I'm a hoverer, it's good for the leg muscles though :D

Jo x

17-07-08, 10:56
That would have really freaked me out and I think it is horrible how people don't clear up after themselves.

I avoid public loos coz I got stuck in one for nearly half an hour and had to climb out the window.


milly jones
17-07-08, 11:35
lol carol, the thought of emerging from the window has cheered me up xx

17-07-08, 12:00
LOLcan u imagine a que forming and all of a sudden u see legs come out the window and out u come pmsl hillarious that did cheer me up

17-07-08, 12:30
That happened to me in a pub and the worse bit was my husband didn't even think to find out where I was after being missing for nearly half an hour he just carried on drinking his pint. Have to say it really did panic me and I will never go in a public loo without someone holding the door for me.

Looking back now it was quite funny and I'm glad I cheared you all up, it was a bit of a squeeze getting through the window but it was better than being stuck in the loo.


Cathy V
17-07-08, 13:06
Cant say i have a ritual when using public loos but dont like locking the door...especially if im in one of those cubices that have no windows or gaps, just a tiny room with a door that might get stuck (very claustraphobic) so if i hear someone else coming in i end up coughing alot :D xxxxx

17-07-08, 14:13
gosh, i cant believe that as a health anxiety sufferer you could even have used a loo without checking it first! I absolutely cannot use a dirty loo so always have to inspect it first :blush: and then i will always hover no matter how clean it is. If there's already a wee in there i can just about cope as long as i flush it first, but if there's a poo then forget it, it might jump out and 'get' me! :ohmy:

18-07-08, 20:14
Carol you made me chuckle!!

I am so glad that im not the only one who doesnt like touching foor handles etc - its bloody exhaussting this anxiety lark!

18-07-08, 20:48

that is sooo funny, fancy your hubbie still sat there drinking his pint....ill bet you killed him for that....lol

love dawny....

ps i hate p toilets as well, always open the door at the bottom or top, where i think no one else will have touched it with there germs....lol

18-07-08, 21:19
As a fellow HA person I can laugh at this.

A long time ago I went loo at work and after going the water was bright red - obviously set me thinking omg whats wrong with me I must be dying.
Kept worrying for ages, then that evening just before closing the cleaner came in and went up to loos, he came back down and said those limescale removal tablets turn the water a funny colour lol oh how I was relieved lol

18-07-08, 22:41
Well i am glad I told my story as the replies have been very funny and also very true as I think we all do the not touching handles etc and not sitting on the toilet seat. I also do the only touching with my little finger as I am unlikely to use this for anything else! Make opening locks interesting.

Of course now I will be super vigilant about chekcing the toilet before I use it.

milly jones
18-07-08, 22:59
hey good tip with the little finger, lol

good thread countrygirl, what a funny old lot we are, u have to laff dont u?

18-07-08, 23:08
Cant say i have a ritual when using public loos but dont like locking the door...especially if im in one of those cubices that have no windows or gaps, just a tiny room with a door that might get stuck (very claustraphobic) so if i hear someone else coming in i end up coughing alot :D xxxxx

We have loos at work you cannot get out of if the lock doesn't work so I never lock it and I cough too :roflmao:

19-07-08, 12:05
I have just got back off my hols & the toilets down at the beach were like saloon type doors with a massive gap from the bottom of the door to the floor & they had like a latch/lock on the outside to open them, anyway, I went to the loo one day & I pushed the handle to open it (I don't like locking the door either) & the latch had fallen down at the other side & I was panicking like mad, cos I was locked in from the outside and my bloke was on his sunbed on the beach & the toilets were about a 2min walk away behind some trees so no one could here me! Anyway, I managed to climb under the gap of the door (in my cossie) to get out, so I was smeared all across the toilet floor, belugh, you know how minging beach toilet floors get!! anyway, I got back to the bed, took of my cossie & got into my shorts & vest top, walked 30mins back to apt, straight in shower, my bloke was scrubbing my back for me, I felt so gross! anyway the next day, he said when you need to loo, I shall come with you & wait outside incase it happens again & he looked at the latch on the outside of the door & he said are you sure they isn't a handle on the other side that opens that & I said no, look, but sure enough they was & I must have just pushed the door handle without pushing down the button thing at the top to release the latch & panicked! lol, he wet himself laughing all holiday & told all our family when we got back! I found it funny too tho, I am such a muppet sometimes!!!

milly jones
19-07-08, 13:11
i think id have just shouted until someone came

i would have had no skin left from scrubbing after touching the floor, yuk

19-07-08, 18:37
I know, it was horrible! they was no point in yelling as it was dead quiet & I was paniking like mad, I just wanted to get out of there!

19-07-08, 22:43
I used to be really overweight and always wore elasticated waists!!!

When I slimmed down I went out one day in trousers that had a waistband, button and zip

Went to loo in a pub in New Forest and took so long to undo things that I nearly wet myself and sat on loo quick dropping my brand new mobile phone down it in the process(was in my pocket)!!!

Spent 10 mins trying to extract it from the u bend and another day drying it out


Kaz x:hugs: