View Full Version : end of world fear

16-07-08, 23:41
hey everyone,i have this fear that the world is going to end soon, a lot of people say that its going to end in 2012 because an asteroid is going to hit the earth and i can't stop thinking about the fact that we are all goin to in four years,i can't cope with this kind of fear and worry. any advice?
Please reply ASAP
Many Thanks

16-07-08, 23:43
It is speculation Louise - don't you remember all the other dates that the world was going to end ?

They have all been and gone and even the Millenium - remember that? They said everything would shutdown and guess what???

It didn't

Why waste your life worrying about things like this - get out and live - forget all these prophecies cos they are all cr@p basically!

16-07-08, 23:48
I was told the world would end before I had my first child,
I worried endlesly, I went to see mediums and fortune tellers and everybody as I needed to know at exactly what date and what time this was going to happen.I worried loads, but my eldest is now 27 so try not to worry too much about it,.

16-07-08, 23:48
okay thanks, that has made me feel a bit better. also i'm at home alone at the miniute so i have a lot of thinking time. i guess i'm scared of the thought that if the world does end in 2012 i will only be 25 and that not enough time to acheive the things i want so i'm gonna miss out. any advice welcome?
love louise

16-07-08, 23:51
Ok so let's assume the world is going to end

What would you do?

Make the most of it I guess - so go and do that now! Don't waste time thinking about it.

If the world ends you won't know what you have missed out on anyway so why worry about it?

You are stressing yourself 4 years in advance of something that is 99.9% not going to happen

That is not good for you or a good outlook on life so try and change that.

You could be run over by a bus tomorrow so live each day as though it is the last and don't think this far ahead - it will drive you mad!

16-07-08, 23:53
Being alone always exaggerates things,
Im alone and when I get these thoughts I try to do something to take my mind off it, luckily I love music so play lots,
I also write things down, and then challenge them.Write the pros and cons,etc, it does help,
Things are very scarey, but we are all here for you, post on here.

16-07-08, 23:57
I agree with Nic, I worried so much about dying before things are sorted, eg finances, and even to the extent of leaving the house clean and tidy, and all filing correct etc,then I realised what will be will be, i dont spend time worrying or thinking about it anymore now, as I cant change the future.xx

17-07-08, 00:00
We are more likely to die of starvation and not be able to afford to eat, drive to work or heat our homes at the moment lol

17-07-08, 00:01
True :)

17-07-08, 00:02
I wouldn't worry about asteroids Louise. There are literally thousands of people watching the night sky for near earth objects. If there is an object then NASA as done a lot of research on how to deal with them. Don't forget that NASA as already landed a unmanned vehicle on an asteroid. So the next step would be to construct a vehicle that would push the asteroid away, so it won't collide with the earth. Stop worrying, it's all under control,


17-07-08, 02:07
We are more likely to die of starvation and not be able to afford to eat, drive to work or heat our homes at the moment lol
Unfortunately Nicola, you may be closer to the truth than you think. Oil production has peaked and that means the world is suddenly going to be a very different place.

I worry myself sick about this but now I just try to take the philosophy that as much as I can, I must try to enjoy the moment.

Who knows, perhaps death isn't even the end anyway. From my mystical dabblings, I wonder if it takes you to a place where "end" and "beginning" don't have any meaning.

17-07-08, 08:27
OMG if that hits us before August 2012, do you realise that the home nations will never get to the Euro's again?

I can only pray Scotland win the world cup in 2010 (about as much chance as an asteriod hitting us) to cushion the blow.

Seriously though, we have had oil problems before, unemployment, worldwide recession and we are all still here.

The world's oil nations won't increase production, they could, but won't. They sucumbed to demand in the 70's and ended up flooding the market and oil dropped by a massive margin in $ per barrel due to over production.

What high oil prices will do is make people think a little more on how they live. In the west we get things just a little too easy and take so much for granted.

In parts of the world the priority is to find food and water, even if it means walking miles for it day by day, while over here more pressing priority's seem to be getting a larger LCD tv than your neighbour.

Humans adapt to change pretty good, they have been doing it for years ;).

You often hear people say, what about the old days? as they glance back with rose tinted glasses. However, the fact is we live longer (another issue) and are more likely to survive illness in the West than ever before.

Sure beats the middle ages, at 41 I would be dead by now ;).

Maybe things are not too bad, just tighten belts for a wee while and ride it out.


Jaco the optimist ;)

17-07-08, 08:44
I know what you are saying jaco but, if i have to tighten my belt any more its going to cut off my air supply lol.

17-07-08, 10:11
I watched The Day After Tomorrow the other day and it completely freaked me out, don't watch this film if you are worried about the end of the world :D

Seriously though don't worry, there have been many predictions that the world is going to end. Nostradamus predicted the end of the world in 1994, 1998 and 2000 and it didn't happen, the 2012 event is predicted by the Mayan calander but it's just a bunch of numbers - they decided how long the world would last for when the calendar first began.

Nowt to worry about :)

Jo x

18-07-08, 06:33
The Mayans actually said there would be a time of upheaval in 2012 followed by a time of calm.
Sounds Ok to me
Phill :shades:

18-07-08, 06:38
The Mayans actually said there would be a time of upheaval in 2012 followed by a time of calm.
Sounds Ok to me
Phill :shades:

Maybe it'll be calm because everyone's dead.

18-07-08, 08:01
Lol don't tell me, you're a kinda glass is half empty type of guy Francis ;)

18-07-08, 09:16
I did a bit of Google snooping on the Mayan calendar ending Dec 21 2012. Totally fascinating stuff I found. The Mayan's didn't actually say the world was going to end on this date, their calendar ends on this date like ours does each year after 365 days and then starts the cycle again.

It's just speculation from morbid peeps that it must mean the world is gonna end. Other theories are that the world may change as we know it (maybe for the better) and not that it will end.

Jo x

Hope 2
18-07-08, 13:05
Hi Louise :flowers:

There is a thread similar to yours hun in the Panic section, if you haven't seen it, maybe have a look and see if it can help you too xx I understand how awful this worry feels, you can overcome it, honest xx

Cheerio Hope xx

18-07-08, 13:31
is it just me who is secretly quite looking forwards to the end of world then?

18-07-08, 13:58
There are more important things ...like celtic winning 4 in a row
Rangers demoted to the 1st division
Jaco becoming celtic manager

Now these are real issue lol

Hope 2
18-07-08, 14:32
Hi Louise :flowers:

I notice yr thread has been taken up with all the fellas nattering on lol.

Are you okay, how u getting on? Like I said in the other thread I mentioned, I had this fear too so I know how scary it can be :hugs: xx

Hope xx

18-07-08, 15:11
Hail Hail Purple, nice idea, but I hate crowds and Parkhead gets 50'000 plus lol.

Oppps sorry, I was nattering ;)

What is it your actually hoping 2? let me guess? learn to cook? :)

Seriously though, I hope you can put these thoughts behind you Louise, I know it can be horrible when you focus on a fear.

I never used to like to do any exercise when I was at my worst, I was convinced a rise in heart rate would kill me so I kinda know how these irrational fears go.

Good luck


18-07-08, 19:11
is it just me who is secretly quite looking forwards to the end of world then?
The bitter old misanthrope in me looks forward to everyone else being as miserable as me :)

18-07-08, 21:12
I got completely freaked out when I was about 12 visiting my Aunt in London and she told me some of Nostradamus’ predictions I thought the end was imminient and spent a couple of years fearing this. Then I found something else to worry about...boys lol

Remember Y2K? If you believed the hype planes were going to fall out of the sky, computers where going to take over the world, nuclear reactors where going to blow killing us all. Seriously, try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know) about the things that far out of your realm of control. In essence your fear is exactly that, a lack of being able to control something. Maybe you need to look at the smaller details in your life. Is there something that is making your immediate life feel out of control? Some situation, person or thing? I don't know if that's helpful but it might be worth a try.

I hope you feel better soon!

20-02-23, 15:10
Please forgive me for bumping an ancient thread that's now nearly 15 years old, but apart from current events such as the Covid pandemic and the Ukraine war, many people's anxieties and concerns expressed in this thread back in 2008 still fundamentally remain as relevant now in 2023, especially the financial climate and its attendant uncertainties.

The main differences being (for the better); greater awareness and understanding of MH issues which still seemed to have more taboo connotations back then and 'fake news'/disinformation, which was also less well recognised/acknowledged back then, and (sadly, for the worse); trial by (social) media, our growing obsession with conspiracy theories and the seemingly relentless 'dog-eat-dog' culture, especially in much of the Western world.

20-02-23, 15:48
It's fascinating to see all these users who came and went over the years. I hope they're all living well.

20-02-23, 17:26
It's fascinating to see all these users who came and went over the years. I hope they're all living well.


This forum/site is a kind of time capsule, but it only goes back as far as 2003, so this year (2023) it will be celebrating its 20th anniversary.

As far as current events are concerned, I was quite moved by Biden's surprise visit to Kyiv in Ukraine as part of his trip to neighbouring Poland, in which the Kyiv visit was (obviously wisely) kept as low-key as possible ahead of his appearance there, and he gave a superb speech there. All of which passed peacefully without any incident.

Like Biden or loathe him, he came across as an extremely brave man today.

I also read another reassuring and heart-touching news article today on the BBC site that gives me further hope for humanity in the future that was about the Ukraine conflict over the past year causing a massive generational divide in Russia, with the younger generation opposing Putin's invasion of Ukraine but many of their parents (and the older generations of Russia in general) are less opposed, and in some instances, actually more in favour of the invasion.

Russia's youngsters are Russia's future after all, and that applies to every other country the world over.

Meanwhile, as far as Covid is concerned, fresh articles in the Covid sub-section of the BBC site, let alone the main headlines section in general, appear to be becoming even more sparse of late, which also seems encouraging.