View Full Version : I ran out of the hospital today

17-07-08, 00:07
Today i went for a flexible cystoscopy at 9 am, got there and got changed into a gown.
Then the nurse came out and called 3 names which inc myself, we went to a room and 2 of us waited outside while 1 lady went in, she didnt even seem nervous.
However within 5 mins she was screaming the hospital down, it souned like she was in agony!!! she screamed and screamed omg.
Well i jumped up in my gown(and minus undies) and ran out the hospital..like a wild cat.

I feel silly but if you had heard the pain the lady was in, it was awful.

I really need this test done as it is the last in a series of tests but im just sooo scared now.

thanx for reading

luv The Chicken:winks:

17-07-08, 01:01
OMG, I woulda done the same thing. Maybe you can take a sedative prior or something? I had a flexible sigmoidscopy and it was NOT pleasant they did not give me anything prior. The best part about these things are they are usually quick. Maybe she had a very small threshold for pain?

17-07-08, 07:08
As a nurse I know just how different people are when it comes to treatment, some are big girls blouses and some are brave.

Some people scream or shout because they have a low pain threshold, some because they are scared, some just to make a fuss over nothing.

I bet if you had gone in you would have been one of the brave ones. Never mind I am sure you can try again. I just hope the next time you can go first.:yesyes:

17-07-08, 07:11
Today i went for a flexible cystoscopy at 9 am, got there and got changed into a gown.
Then the nurse came out and called 3 names which inc myself, we went to a room and 2 of us waited outside while 1 lady went in, she didnt even seem nervous.
However within 5 mins she was screaming the hospital down, it souned like she was in agony!!! she screamed and screamed omg.
Well i jumped up in my gown(and minus undies) and ran out the hospital..like a wild cat.

I feel silly but if you had heard the pain the lady was in, it was awful.

I really need this test done as it is the last in a series of tests but im just sooo scared now.

thanx for reading

luv The Chicken:winks:

Found this

About the procedure

You may be asked to remove your lower clothing and put on a gown. You will be asked to empty your bladder before the test.
Your doctor may use a local anaesthetic gel to numb the urethra.
The anaesthetic gel is placed into the opening of the urethra using a syringe without a needle. The area numbs within a few minutes.
The cystoscope is then carefully passed into the urethra. Men may be asked to try and pass urine while the cystoscope is being inserted. This is simply to help relax the muscles - no urine will actually pass.
Once the end of the cystoscope is in the bladder, sterile water will be passed through it to fill the bladder up and make the bladder wall easier to see.
A camera lens at the end of the cystoscope sends pictures from the inside of your bladder to a video screen. Your doctor will look at these images and if necessary take a biopsy. This is done using special instruments passed inside the cystoscope.
When the check-up is finished, the cystoscope is gently taken out. The test usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes. It's not painful, but you may be aware of slight discomfort, pressure, or a pushing/pulling sensation in the bladder.

17-07-08, 08:37
Today i went for a flexible cystoscopy at 9 am, got there and got changed into a gown.
Then the nurse came out and called 3 names which inc myself, we went to a room and 2 of us waited outside while 1 lady went in, she didnt even seem nervous.
However within 5 mins she was screaming the hospital down, it souned like she was in agony!!! she screamed and screamed omg.
Well i jumped up in my gown(and minus undies) and ran out the hospital..like a wild cat.

I feel silly but if you had heard the pain the lady was in, it was awful.

I really need this test done as it is the last in a series of tests but im just sooo scared now.

thanx for reading

luv The Chicken:winks:

I had this done about a year ago. To be honest it was painless and over very quickly. They nurse applied some anaesthetic gel to numb the urethra and then the scope was inserted. I didn't feel anything whilst they were looking around. Then it is slowly taken out and it's all over. It really is a quick process with a bit of mild discomfort.

17-07-08, 10:16

I'm not surprised you reacted that way can't say I blame you. But the woman could have been screaming for all sorts of reasons. I once took a friend of mine to A&E to have the pressure removed from a fingernail that had been trapped in a door. She screamed and screamed even before they touched her cos she was so frightened that it was going to hurt. When they eventually calmed her down the procedure was not only painless but a huge relief. She felt even worse when she came out of her cubicle to see a little boy in the next one having stitches without a murmer.

I haven't had that procedure but I have had a catheter and that was uncomfortable but not painful. I have also had a hystoscopy and that was totally painless.

I think you should phone the hospital and explain what happened and see if they can call you in on your own. Best of luck and I hope you soon get sorted.

17-07-08, 13:28
thank you all so very much!! ex thanx to trixie for her research..that was very kind of you.

I feel a bit silly today but went to see my GP and she said she would have done the exact same thing.
She also said that they can arrange to do it under anesthetic for me apparently thats how it was always done before.

im usually very brave, had 6 hours of dental work done in 1 sitting while awake, have injections in to cysts in my face every few months etc, just think ive lost my nerve lately!!!

thanks again for your kind words xxx
luv Chicken licken lol x

18-07-08, 00:15
Tracie - I have had this procedure done. I am a wimp.

It wasn't pleasing but it didn't have me screaming in agony...

The pain was a stinging pain and something I could breathe through and I remember holding the nurses hand very tightly. Afterwards it stung abit too - the first wee was abit sore.

But I'd have run off too if I'd have heard that woman so although I am very sure you'd cope physically (if I can anyone can)

18-07-08, 00:59
Oh no poor you, id have freaked too :blush:

Ive had an endoscopy [tube down throat] and I was so scared, I didnt want to be put to sleep as I had kids and work, although i couldnt care less about work at htat time lol, anyway i chose the throat spray, I came out feeling soooo proud of myself, horrid yes but not like my head make me think before it.

I totally understand how you felt running away today, but if we ran everytime we heard a woman in labour where would we be? id be dead!!

I hate this life..

19-07-08, 23:54
hi again

All my mates are laughing at me...they reckon there will be a video of me with a gown on and no undies running thro the hospital on u tube.
I feel like a real coward now

I go to see the consultant on 23rd of july, for results of ct scan, im getting quite nervous now aout it.

thanks for reading
luv cowardly custard xx

20-07-08, 02:13
Hi Tracie,

Don't blame you for scarpering. Don't blame yourself either. Is it a hospital or a torture chamber? Insist on the anaesthetic ( mention the screaming lady if you must ) or take a diazepam or something similar, before you go through it again.

All the best

20-07-08, 05:52
Hi Tracie,

Don't blame you for scarpering. Don't blame yourself either. Is it a hospital or a torture chamber? Insist on the anaesthetic ( mention the screaming lady if you must ) or take a diazepam or something similar, before you go through it again.

All the best

No it isn't a torture chamber:D the thing is we are each different (thank goodness) and we all react differently. I just wish this person that had screamed had thought about those outside waiting to go next.:shrug:

20-07-08, 20:56
hi all

Alann your post did make me laugh, it did seem like a scene from the chamber of horrors!!!!!

Trixies right though, all people feel pain differently, but i just feel that maybe the doctor working that day was a bit rough, maybe!! but i wasnt staying to find out.

The hospital is a very well known london teaching hospital, i had both my c sections done there. However something just made me panic likle crazy and i was out of there like a bolt of lightning....... Flash... (in more ways than one)

Im really hoping that the consultant says i dnt need to have it done fingers xed for wednesday.

Will let you all know what the verdict is, and thanks again for all your kindness.

luv the hospital streaker x:ohmy:

23-07-08, 03:39
Good luck Tracie...

Admire your courage. Hope it all goes well for you.
Glad you got a laugh out of my post anyway.:)

Take Care

23-07-08, 06:22
hi all

Alann your post did make me laugh, it did seem like a scene from the chamber of horrors!!!!!

Trixies right though, all people feel pain differently, but i just feel that maybe the doctor working that day was a bit rough, maybe!! but i wasnt staying to find out.

The hospital is a very well known london teaching hospital, i had both my c sections done there. However something just made me panic likle crazy and i was out of there like a bolt of lightning....... Flash... (in more ways than one)

Im really hoping that the consultant says i dnt need to have it done fingers xed for wednesday.

Will let you all know what the verdict is, and thanks again for all your kindness.

luv the hospital streaker x:ohmy:

Perhaps it is the one I did my training in? Is it fond of Dragons?

23-07-08, 18:33
Hi All

Its the UCH that i go to Trixie. Well i went today for my CT results......Got there 3rd floor lifts broke..hmmmm.
Got to 3rd floor and walked into chaos, A person waiting in the waiting room had a heart attack...omg...

Anyway my results were good thank god, consultant said i didnt now need to have a cystoscopy, as my CT results were normal...Hooray
Thanks again to you all

i promise i wont be streking through any more hospitals ha ha

Luv Tracie xx

23-07-08, 21:13
Hi All

Its the UCH that i go to Trixie. Well i went today for my CT results......Got there 3rd floor lifts broke..hmmmm.
Got to 3rd floor and walked into chaos, A person waiting in the waiting room had a heart attack...omg...

Anyway my results were good thank god, consultant said i didnt now need to have a cystoscopy, as my CT results were normal...Hooray
Thanks again to you all

i promise i wont be streking through any more hospitals ha ha

Luv Tracie xx

Oh, I use to date someone who worked there.:blush: