View Full Version : advice?

17-07-08, 01:21
hi. my name is lindsey.. im 20 going on 21 n i live in sweden. i am 185 cm and weigh 57kg, sometimes a lil less n sometimes a lil more but ya.. thing is i was 60-61 kg just before xmas, n on good days 59 (i always got happy when i saw a 5 first instead of a 6..). this gives me a BMI of about 16.9 ... n i can go a day with just eating once n i dont need to eat alot either.. should i be worried? is it bad that i wouldnt mind if i lost even more weight? i mean, im not trying to, i never did, it just happened.. is it bad that i feel like its a good thing if i go a day eating very little? ive always been skinny, n i think im scared of getting fat cuz then it just wouldnt be me but is that fear getting dangerous...