View Full Version : panic in the middle of the night

28-04-05, 01:25
hey everyone,
i don't know if anyone can help me with this. in the last two or three weeks i've had a bit of a relapse but have still been okay, ie going to work etc. i've only had one panic attack in that time, with heightened anxiety a lot of the time.
but in the last week or so i've had this thing where i go to sleep and suddenly wake up with a jolt in the middle of the night. it's so scary and usually happens if i go to bed feeling a bit rough or jittery. i'll start feeling like i can't breathe or have stopped breathing and will jump out of bed (all this while asleep!) - then i feel terrible and because it's the middle of the night i find it harder to talk myself down or tell myself all the normal stuff like 'it's just anxiety, it'll pass' etc.
does this happen a lot to people and what do you do to deal with it?
i would really appreciate any advice that anyone could give me - i'm tearing my hair out here!

28-04-05, 01:41
Hi Henri

I get jittery or get a twich as well at night whenver I am nervous. I use to freak out about it as well. What I've done to help include sleeping with the tv on for about 30 minutes (if your tv has an sleep function its great) and I also drink a glass of warm milk as well.

28-04-05, 09:31
Hi Henri

It is really worth taking the time to settle yourself down before bed , warm bath, candlelight, lavender, warm milky drink, relaxation/ classical music as it can make or break your nights sleep.

If this is now a learned habit .. it needs to be broken. The jolt is often due to coming to the end of a natural sleep cycle and becomeing fairly light and the jitteryness winning..
If it happens again, don't get out ofbed instantly - lie quietly knowing it will pass and do abdominal breathing and put on a relaxation/classical ( motzart is reputably the best for anxiety - tempo or something ) music through headphones for a few minutes, if you then need to get up to get a drink etc do but avoid puting on any bright lights etc that will tell and confirm to your body that it was right to wake up..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-04-05, 09:58
hi Henri,

I normally drink a Horlicks and read a good book. One you get into a nice routine before bed, it gets better..

Sarah :D

28-04-05, 11:02
Hiya Henri

I had this bad a couple of years ago before I even knew I suffering from GAD, it was during a stressful time at work. I went camping in Dorset in my family and on teh first night woke as you described - also because I had no idea what it was my stomach lurched and I had an immediate need to go to the loo (not fun on a campsite in the middle of the night) By the time I got there I had such an upset tummy and my heart was pounding, I was sweating, shaking and felt sick. This carried on for weeks even after I got home, I was exhausted.

Meg (as always) is so right though, the first night I refused to get out of bed and wake properly it started to get so much better. In time it all but went. Since my new bout of real GAD recently though I suppose it happens two or three times a week. It does not scare me at all anymore though now, I just wake say to myself 'oh that again' start deep breathing and within a couple of mins I am back asleep. It will get better quickly if you make yourself stay there and work through it.

Take care hunny.


28-04-05, 15:02
Hi Henri,

Since this is one of my worst issues, I've just read a book called "Say Good Night to Insomnia" written by Gregg Jacobs, a Ph.D. at Harvard Medical School. It's quite good and echoes much of the advice given by others here. It's an easy to read sleep hygiene book that covers everything from exercise and food to sunlight and room temp. From what I gather it's all about how you feel before you even go to bed! One thing I thought interesting was the suggestion of eating a complex-carbohydrate snack (as opposed to protein) before bed as it increases serotonin, which promotes sleep. I'll try anything that has to do with food!

Try all the things suggested and maybe the snack and see what happens. Can't make it worse...good luck!


28-04-05, 21:04
thanks everyone.
i've felt a bit shaky today but managed to get a few hours sleep. thinking back, i'd had a manic day, got back late feeling a bit wound up and went straight to bed. i will make sure i allow myself an hour to wind down before bedtime - funny how these things make such a difference.
thanks meg and angie for the tip about forcing myself to stay in bed until it passes - i was out of bed like a shot last night and bouncing off the walls!
sue, i'll check out the reading material.
anyway, i'm knackered today, hope it means i sleep like a log!
henri x

28-04-05, 21:50
Hope you sleep well Henri hun :D

28-04-05, 23:33
Hi Henri

Night panics are hard and i am in totally support with you through this. Its a time when normality isnt available, we cant pick up the phone, we cant go to the shops etc to distract ourselves and that makes it more frightening. I think i got through them as i had no choice but to ride through it and hope the same happens to you. If you need to talk pm me mate and dont got through the long nights alone as i know how hard they are.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.