View Full Version : hello and thank you!

28-04-05, 03:07
Hello everyone,
I've been lurking around since late December (long time, I know) and want to say thanks to each and every one of you who have posted messages. I come to the site several times a day for inspiration and have never been let down! To all the kind folks in the chat room the last couple of nights, thank you for letting me butt in on your conversations (guest-sue)! I knew I'd be welcome but I wanted to test the waters...no let down there either!

Well...unbeknownst to me, I had been building up a ton of baggage that finally led to a very scary panic attack in October 04. Of course, at the time I didn't know it was a panic attack - like many others I thought I was gravely ill (2 great big heart palpitations immediately followed by a massive fear response). After spending a whole night feeling like I was dying I finally took myself to the ER the next afternoon. EKG and blood tests fine but the student doctor came in my cubby and told me there was a mass on my lung in the chest x-ray...real Dr. came in later and said the chest x-ray was fine, I could go home! I spent the next few days wondering who to believe. Went to my replacement gp who gave me Ativan and a requisition for another chest xray for a month down the road. Did I wait a month? Nope...lasted 4 days tormenting myself with the what-ifs. Went for another chest xray and waited on pins and needles, nearly passing out each time the phone would ring (they only call you with bad test results here - no news is good news kind of deal). That xray was fine too but I guess the damage had been done and the pattern set. I slowly became plagued with every other anxiety symptom known to humankind and convinced myself with the help of the Merck Manual that I was on Death's doorstep. By early December I was taking Trazodone to help me sleep but it wasn't working. I started having the throat problems and difficulty swallowing. I was losing weight at an astonishing rate which just fueled the anxiety more. I was a wreck! Couldn't go anywhere, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and had just barely enough energy to tend to my family (and daycare - can't figure out how I did that!) Nausea, dry heaves, dizzy, diarrhea, hot, cold...just plain blah. Then my sister put me on to the site, my regular gp was back and things slowly started to turn around. I recognized I was addicted to the Ativan and was getting rebound withdrawal symptoms from them and that the feeling of being on a walk-a-lator in a fishbowl was dp! Gp put me on Remeron in February. I instantly gained back 15 lbs of the 27 lbs I had lost, but was coping better. Then I started having yucky side effects like muscle spasms and restless leg (besides feeling comatose most of the time) so weaned off of those at the end of March and am now drug free.

With all of the advice from here, I went caffeine free, started massage therapy, found a therapist for relaxation/CBT and am planning on getting out for exercise now that it's not 30 below zero anymore! I still feel really wound up most of the time though (lots of night panics and insomnia) and experience many physical symptoms as well. I think it's because eventhough I can rationally tell myself that I am not dying, I am fine, I haven't convinced myself emotionally/subconsciously. The symptoms persist, therefore the anxiety stays and the anxiety stays, therefore the symptoms persist? I have to force myself to relax and when I can't do it, I get anxious! Make any sense?

I have clearly blabbed on long enough! Eventhough I often still feel like the guy in the Myth of Sysiphus(?) rolling the boulder up the hill, I hope that I can help others with the bit of experience I have gained along the way and remain open to the insights of others!

Thanks again all!

28-04-05, 09:21
Sue how lovely to meet you

Thanks for stopping by to say Hi and tell us how you're doing. Guess you're somewhere in the prairies..

Sounds like you've come a very long way since December - well done . I guess there are not any links to old posts that I need to give you as you've probably seen them 1st time round ....

I always enjoy hearing from people who visit us as guests and benefit.

Do let us know if there is anything specific you'd like some help with.
You already know how much we love to comment on newbies situations and each add in our 2 pennyworth

Keep doing what you're doing and maintain your cool


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-04-05, 09:50
Welcome aboard Sue - nice to see that you've posted!! :D

28-04-05, 11:31
OH hi again Sue, did speak to you in chartroom last night, was nice to meet you. You are right about Doctors conflicting makes you feel really bad I had the same experience. Just over a year ago I was suffering with real bad tummy pains feeling sick, real tired and passing blood. My GP sent me for some blood tests as my Liver function tests where high previously from long term heavy drinking. But stopped drinking about 18 months now. Any way the blood tests came back the Liver was fine then she said OH you calcium is raised, that’s not good, we will do some further tests. So home I went like most of us with anxiety really wound up and worried, as we do but shouldn’t onto the internet to find out what raised calcium is, It can be caused by a gland not working right, but it wasn’t that as that blood test was fine. The other thing I found was raised calcium can happen when cancer spreads to the bones; Wow I went into a panic attack and went to bed. Next morning I phoned surgery and asked to speak to my GP, as I was to scared to even get out of bed. But eventually made appointment to go see her next day. I shook and was so scared all the way. I told her what I had read and she said It could be bowel cancer as you aware having so many problems with abdominal pain etc and she referred me to see a specialist at hospital. I went away more anxious and feeling so bad. Any way between waiting having lots of tests at different dates all this took about 10 months. The specialist sent me for blood tests, Chest x-ray, Barium enema and a sygmoidoscopy, which wasn’t a nice test. Any way after all the tests done (and hell knows how I got to them) I went to see specialist again, He said the bowels and colon was fine I just have IBS, I said what about the raised calcium that got me there in the first place. And he just said my gp misread results and the calcium in my blood was fine he said sometimes it shows high reading. Well I felt so much better after that I was on a high for about a week. Those 10 months of tests and waiting really put my anxiety up about 100%. But like you I look back now and think Why was the calcium raised a couple of times to start with? The tummy pains have almost gone now so must have been mainly anxiety related. Other thing why cant Doctors explain a bit more to us I am sure a few words explaining what could be wrong would help more than people looking up symptoms on the net and scaring themselves? Take care, hope you feel better soon. Vernon.

PS my son is in Canada at the moment with the army, he is based at Med Ht and loves Canada. He even goes there on holidays now.

28-04-05, 22:39
Hi Sue

Great to hear from you. You are working hard to overcome this and sounds to me like you have the positive attitude we all sometimes lose along the way.

Would love to hear more from you hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

28-04-05, 22:59
Hi Sue

Welcome to the forum. Glad you've had such benefit from visiting here and are doing so well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-04-05, 15:36
Thank you for the warm welcome!

I have, thankfully, made a lot of progress in comparison to how I was this winter. I shudder thinking back on what a hellish time that was! Everyday is still a struggle though to find the normalcy that I had before. Everything wasn't coming up roses by any means but there wasn't the constant wheel spinning either. I desperately want to be the person I was before but with the knowledge to make positive changes...

On that note, I took a giant leap of faith today and officially resigned/retired from my homebased daycare business effective the end of June. I'm really not enjoying it anymore so I know it was a good time to stop. I had a mini attack while telling the parents (sweating, flushing, shaking, heart racing) but within a few minutes felt this huge sense of relief...I had done it! Now I'll no doubt start worrying about the future. I've been home for 7 years, now what am I gonna do??!!

Vern, isn't it just a drag when you put your trust in someone and they botch it up? I had a real bad experience with the birth of my son 10 years ago and that's why I started reading the Merck and surfing the net. I thought if I could educate myself and know as much as the Docs then I'd have a better chance of not being misdiagnosed. Didn't work though. Led me to this! I guess it's a case of having just enough knowledge to be dangerous! And I agree with you...I think it speaks volumes about our health care system. The docs don't have time to talk to their patients anymore. My gp, who is great, schedules appointments every 10 minutes. She'll spend longer with you if you need it, but there's always that sense of hurry and of being a number. Is it about the same in the UK?

Anyway, each day is a new day!

Thanks again,

29-04-05, 16:02
Yes, we are all just numbers here too!!

Good that you have retired if you weren't enjoying it anymore - maybe that will allow you to relax a little more..:D

29-04-05, 22:57
Hi Sue

Everyday is a different day and once they retire they will be for you. Enjoy it you have worked for it so now take time to look after yourself.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.