View Full Version : Hello Eveyone

17-07-08, 16:49
My name is Becky I have suffered from Panic Attacks for only short time it all started last September when my Grandad passed away I was very close to him and felt as though my life had fallen apart. I then started to have these attacks and felt like I was going to die it was very scary and all I wanted to do was go to bed and never get up it took over my life. I visited my GP who told me that I was having these attacks and prescribed anti-depressants. It has been only a month but I am starting to feel better and more like my old self. It would nice to hear from anyone who has any advise for me and good luck to you all xxxxx

17-07-08, 17:24
hi hun and welcome i can relate to u quite a bit as i lost my nan 3 yrs ago and she was like my mum and my rock and always listened to me, when she died quite suddenly my world fell apart and i developed Health Anxiety for 6 months or so, luckily it got better but i thought i had cancer the same as her etc. i made a memorys album for her and gave it to her on her 74th birthday a week b4 she died and put all her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc and her family and really old black and white pics, also poems, memorys and kids put in stuff too. every year i update it with something and its my way of keeping her memory alive. mayb it may help u to do something like that. also i didnt go to funeral as i couldnt cope but i know it was right decison in my heart cos she knows i love her. it will get better for you hun, try focusing on the postive stuff u had with your grandad and happy funny stuff and keep those thoughts, im here if u want to chat anytime. hugs to uxxxxx

milly jones
17-07-08, 17:28
hi becky

a warm welcome to nmp

good to meet u

milly xxx

17-07-08, 17:43
Hi Becky,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


17-07-08, 19:29
Hello Becky and welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advise on here and find lots of people who understand how you feel.


17-07-08, 19:32
Hi Becky

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

17-07-08, 23:06
Hi Becky and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

18-07-08, 11:34
Hello Becky And Welcome To The Site ..wish Ya Well.......linda