View Full Version : Any suggestions to help?

17-07-08, 17:34
Im only 15 and i have been having panic attacks for a few weeks now. i have tryed a few things to stop it but nothing is helping.
I have just started a hairdressing apprentaship and my work place is in the middle of a big shopping centre and i struggle to get through the day with out freeking out when i see big crowds of people..
I have been prescibed pills (valium) to lower my heart rate for when i have one but they seem to be getting worse over time and the are coming more often :(
I usualy get around 5 a day. 4 small ones and one big one were i feel like im about to die and can do anything to stop it.
Im worried that if it keeps up i will loose my apprentaship and it means the world to me.
Does any one have any suggestions on how to stop them or atleast so that i dont get them as often as i do?


milly jones
17-07-08, 17:50
have u tried asking for therapy alongside the meds hun?

have u had any help learning to relax and breath slowly?

there is lots info in the website on nmp

i try to take a bottle of water with me when i know im likely to feel stressed.

perhaps if u explained to ur employer that u ahve this illness they may be able to support u hun

take care milly xxx

17-07-08, 22:25
Hi Chante!

I started experiencing panic attacks when I was 14, so I can totally relate to your problems...
I had difficulties going to school, I used to have panic attacks all the time, a day would seem like one giant panic attack :weep: . I used to take meds. They did help, but I found therapy the most useful. Talking about your problems will help you realize that they can be coped with.

When I was 15, I tried my best to focus on my studies, family, friends, hobbies. I started doing things that would take my mind off my panic, however hard it used to get. I managed to graduate with top grades :blush: and now, though I still struggle, I believe that I can beat this anxiety once and for all by having faith in myself and my possibilities. You will make it through your apprenticeship, this is just a new situation for you that is making you anxious. You will start feeling better as time passes and you feel more comfortable working as a hairdresser.

Best of luck! :bighug1:


18-07-08, 05:42
Oh I am so sorry that you are dealing with so much at such a young age, mine started at 14 so I can relate. First step is staying in good contact with your doctor and let him know that things are getting worse. Also ask about other methods like CBT and therapy etc. We are all here for you. I wish at 14 that I had known what I was having was panic attacks. It took 5 years for me to get diagnosed and help. You are off to a great start

18-07-08, 17:24
the things that have helped me significantly are just diet and exercise.

i cut caffine, sugar, white bread and pasta mostly out of my diet. Started focusing on whole grains and vegetables, and exercising ALOT. I started out really slow, just walking down the street and back, because at first exercise made me feel worse. anything that increased my heart rate made me lightheaded and panicky. Over a couple weeks I got used to it. Now, when I get chest pains, I do jumping jacks. When I get the "fight or flight" feeling, like I have to escape and run away RIGHT NOW, I do so literally, and run.

it helps your body metabolis the adrenaline which eases symptoms.

now im up to 30-40 minutes a day, every day. and i can feel it if I skip a day. sometimes i still get panic if im working really hard and stop to think about how fast my heart is pounding. then i just stop, and walk around until the lightheaded/tunnel vision/gonna pass out feelings go away.

ive also made relaxation practice a priority. im really good at doing it when i feel anxious, but not so much otherwise. i set aside 30 mins a day (usually before bed) and do deep breathing, progressive muscle tension, or guided visualization techniques to relax. there are TONS of cds, dvds, etc for this.

ive also had therapy on how to deal with the symptoms when they come up, which helps, but doesnt do much to prevent them. exercise, for me, prevents them.

hope that helps!