View Full Version : What else is there to do?

17-07-08, 18:18
i have tryed hypnotherapy and i have the valium to keep me calm and i do breathing into a bag, im going to go to acupuncture and a therapist soon. Its just that insted of getting better like the doctor's told me i should i am getting worse and they are happening more often for some reson.
I am starting to randomly wake up in the middle of the night with a panic attack.. does that happen to any one else?


17-07-08, 19:26
panic attacks can occur any time of day or night, but i know the night ones are scary. when you are calm and not panicking, and maybe with the help of a friend, write a note out like "i am ok, this is just a panic attack, there is nothing wrong, i'm going to take three deep breaths, have a glass of water and then lie back down. i am ok" then when you awake panicking try reading this to yourself out loud over and over. it helps to gain reality on the situation. it could be that you have general anxiety that needs longer term medication rather than valium as and when. i'd have another chat with your doc.

lou lou
17-07-08, 20:13
Hi Chante,
I'm in the exact same position as you, my panic attacks started for no reason that i can think of, (actually i can feel one starting now) i haven't had one for a week, and that one was a bad one in the middle of the night, i was up till half 12 then woke up again at half 3.
I usually use a paper bag for a while & tell myself that i will be ok, also i usually reflect back to the last one i had & say to myself "you came through that one & you were fine" i know it's easier said than done but you have to tell yourself it's just a feeling, it will go away!
Hope this helps

17-07-08, 21:10
I find eating very late at night and then going to bed can cause this to happen during the night.

17-07-08, 21:52
Hi Chante!
Yes, I also get panic attacks during the night. They are the scariest ones... When I have one I get out of bed and splash some cold water on my face. It helps wake me up and, really, it is easier to cope with a panic attack when you're awake!
It seems that you are doing everything you can to get better :yesyes: and I am sure you will make it! :bighug1:

Oh, sometimes we get worse in order to get better again. It is a part of the process of getting well, so don't worry if you're not feeling ok all the time...:flowers:

