View Full Version : driving me mad!

17-07-08, 19:14
hi guys

my symptom is memory problems and what is really bothering is the following-->

i have been at my current job for over 1 year and have used the cord-less phone at work daily, but now i have suddenly forgot the buttons to press to operate it, and still cant remember how to do it after weeks!

I am worried it is due to the knocks on my head i have had in the past.
could it just be anxiety however?

all advice welcome as i am so stressed out


17-07-08, 19:29
I had something similar today.

I work in IT and change the backup tapes each week and today I completely forgot what order to put them in!! I do it every week so there is no reason for me forgetting it.

I had to go and look it up in the end.

I guessed it was just my age or one of those days!

17-07-08, 20:03
I do this all the time.
Like nic, I put it down to my age and my anxiety.
I often park my car in the supermarket car park and then forget where I've parked it - feel such an idiot. I used to get quite panicky about it, but I try to laugh it off now.
It can be quite frightening when your mind suddenly goes blank which mine often does. But my theory is, that us women, especially if you suffer with anxiety, are thinking of a million and one things at a time and then suddenly our brains shout "ENOUGH" and clear everything out (blank moments).

Try not to worry about it - we all get it from time to time


17-07-08, 21:13
Hi, Usually if you stay calm and think hard the sequence comes back to you.