View Full Version : Mind Racing...

28-04-05, 10:21
Just wanted to get some advice off everyone as I know how great you all are at it...I woke up this morning feeling so exhausted had slept for a good 8 hours..well apart from waking up while my 2 cats were desperatley trying to wake me up at 4am for there breakfast!, well boyf went off to work at 8 and told me to go back to sleep, which I hate doing because I feel even worse all day, but was so exhausted that I did go back to sleep for about hour and 1/2 and whilst sleeping my mind was racing loads of thoughts and images and woke up feeling even worse, I feel dizzy, headache, cant concentrate and when I look at something it looks like it is moving????Is this anxiety please tell me Im not going mad!.X

28-04-05, 10:23
My eyes do that to me the whole time. Yes, it is just the anxiety so please don't worry. Try to keep busy and I'm sure it will pass..:D

28-04-05, 10:45
Get yourself moving about this morning.

Ensure you have had enough breakfast and then find a task to do .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-04-05, 10:50
Hi K

Yes all those symptoms are lovely mr Anxiety rearing his ugly head, I have had them all. You must try and motivate yourself and get up and about , even if you are only doing things around the house. Whatever you do, don't go back to bed it will make you feel 10 times worse.

Take care

Elaine x

28-04-05, 10:56
Thank you everyone for putting my mind at rest it means so much..right Im going to get myself motivated and do my ironing!. That will be a challenge in itself, dont really DO ironing ha ha!X

28-04-05, 10:59
Glad you are getting motivated with the ironing!!
Ironing is enough to send me into a panic!!! lol

Take care

Elaine x

28-04-05, 11:44
i know and me lainey especially seeing the pile ive got to do!its higher than blackpool tower lol!

28-04-05, 11:47
oo oo I just got a star!!get me!am now new member![Wow!][Yeah!]X

28-04-05, 23:13
Hi Kirgray

Part of the team now mate!!! Regardless of the ironing pile. Welcome to the site and hope we can help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

29-04-05, 12:27
Hi Kilgray,

Hope you feel better soon. Don't worry its just the anxiety. Just when you think you know all the symptoms there possibly is to know! BANG some new one's pop up to challenge us! YIPEEE (NOT!)

Well done for getting motivated! Hope you finished the ironing now!

Take Care,


29-04-05, 21:31
ohhhhh yep its anxiety. petrifying i know. the other night i was asleep well sort of but my mind was on the go like i was awake, giving me all sorts of feelings. it was like i was fully awake thinking thinking thinking but needless to say i had been asleep! i dont think your going mad, i havent yet and thats my worse fear. xxx good luck

29-04-05, 22:07
Hi Kirgray

Oh yes that is anxiety i felt dizzy with headaches most of the day when i had my anxiety, i cudn't get motivated to do anything it took over my mind thankfully it has lifted now and feel much better. No your not going mad it feels like it but your not.

linda xx

29-04-05, 23:18
Hi Kirgray

Hope today went better for you knowing that people care and do understand and you are not alone.

Let us know how things are going mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

30-04-05, 10:13
I cant say how much all your replies mean to me!!I think your all amazing and the support off you all is fab!. Had a really bad day on thursday but yesterday was much better, spent time with a good friend and the more you talk about how you feel the better it feels, you actually find out that people may have experienced some of your feelings!. Its really the physical side Im having problems with Im just so tired everyday and headaches and that lovely spaced out feeling!. Any tips off anybody would be great AGAIN!! X X X

30-04-05, 12:02
hello Kirgray,

If you don't think about the physical symptoms, they will go away. I know this sounds far-fetched but I can't tell you the amount of times that I have been distracted and forgot about my anxiety only to realise hours later that my physical side-effects had magically disappeared!! Throwing yourself into something is the best way, something that involves both thinking and physically doing..

Sarah :D

02-05-05, 11:41
Hi Kirgray,
Dont worry-you're not going mad. Well, unless i am too! lol. I find that getting out of bed when u wake up, even if you dont want to, tends to help a little. If i sleep in i feel awful and so lethargic when i get up. (Although i must admit i dont always take my own advice!) Doing things definitely helps because otherwise you give your mind time to go round in circles. I find it difficult to relax and concentrate on things because my mind is always racing so doing something physical could be a good idea. Although, the dizziness sometimes renders this a hard task i know!
Im glad ive found people who understand finally!
I hope you are feeling a little better.
Em x

08-05-05, 21:40
hi kilgray,

I tend to agree with Sarah. Your not going mad, but the more you focus on your symtoms, the worse you feel.

Keep calm and take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

08-05-05, 22:40
We are all supporting you mate and wishing you the best of luck tomorrow.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.