View Full Version : Overbreathing

17-07-08, 20:26
Whenever I get into an anxiety state (which is pretty frequently) I get a sort of suffocating feeling and feel the need to gulp in air. I tend to take frequent shallow breaths through my mouth which I know is not what you're supposed to do, but it seems to be what I need to do instinctively..? Anyway, I've tried to do the deep, slow breaths that they recommend but I can't do it when I'm anxious somehow, it's like I'm too tense for it to work.
Then sometimes because I've been overbreathing and 'gulping' I get quite gassy because I've been swallowing too much air (I think it's called aerophagus). It makes me feel uncomfortable and tense and starts the whole miserable process off again! Does anyone else suffer from this? x

17-07-08, 21:04
Yes, but it just goes away on its own accord, best just to ignore it and not worry about it.

18-07-08, 00:17
Hi Samira
I know how you feel hun the breathing/overbreathing has always been my big worry, so i try to distract myself by doing something. I empty and clean the cupboards or re-wash dishes or the floor...anything to keep me occupied and i find it wares off after a short time now.
Try listening to this. Ive just copied this from a post earlier, give it a go.....hes got a lovely soothing voice. Its a stress-relief free download from the gaurdian.
Take care.