View Full Version : Hi :)

17-07-08, 20:30
Okay, I'm completely useless at introductory posts, but I feel like I should at least post something here! Anyway, I'm Tantopat, I'm 21, and I've been trying to make money as an artist (I'm not doing very well though, since I feel a bit rude asking people to pay for drawings, and so I keep giving them away for free ;^^ ). I've been suffering with anxiety, particularly health anxiety, and depression ever since I was little, although it really kicked off when I was 17, and the fact that I have Asperger Syndrome also means that I'm a natural worrier anyway. I've also become agoraphobic after developing a phobia of heat (a strange thing to be scared of, I know!). My anxiety seems to have gotten worse over the past couple of months, but at least now that I've found this place I don't have to feel so alone with this anymore! :)

I'm a big fan of Cirque du Soleil, and I also love music (particularly prog rock and J-rock), video games, anime & manga, and the theatre. So...yeah. :P

milly jones
17-07-08, 20:34
welcome to nmp hun

ur not alone

milly xxx

17-07-08, 21:48
Hi Tantopat

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice and meet some lovely, kind people.

Hope we can be of some help

17-07-08, 23:10
Hi Tantopat and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

18-07-08, 00:08
Thank you so much for all the welcomes! :) It is great to have finally found a place like this, especially since everyone here seems friendly! ^-^ (It's amazing how many times I've joined a new forum, only to find that the whole place is like a giant clique, with members that don't want to talk to anyone they don't already know... ;^^ )

18-07-08, 01:00
Hi Planet Here Great To See You Been Active With Your Paintings I Have To Pay People To Have My Paintings.. Takecare X

18-07-08, 05:38
Welcome!!! This is a wonderful forum and I find everyone fits in perfectly!

18-07-08, 11:26
Hello Tantopat And Welcome..wish Ya Well.....linda