View Full Version : Chronic boredom not helping my anx

17-07-08, 20:48
Ive been through a very rough few months as some may know from my last posting a few weeks ago. On my new med now - Effexor just three weeks in and praying this one may do something for the awful depression and chronic anxiety I have been suffering.

What is not helping is that I am so so bored. Do my housework in the mornings when hubby and daughter have gone off to work (this is when I feel completely awful all alone in the house) - others may know this feeling.

The housework doesn't take long and then I have a long day ahead which I do not know how to fill. I walk the dog, I visit my brother and stay with him most of the day because I cannot bear to be alone in the house with nothing to do.

The depression is very bad and I just cannot seem to motivate myself to get interested in anything like a hobby. i just seem to keep dwelling on how bad I feel and keep worrying constantly about how bad my anxiety is and how the hell I am going to get some sort of life back.

Please let me know if anyone else is like this and can't seem to get interested in anything. It's like my anxiety/depression has truly taken over my mind and all this worrying is just making things worse. I am not the type to watch daytime tv and don't like lying around (my anx won't let me anyway) I don't want to be sat at the computer all day talking about anxiety because that isn't good for me either.

Really need some advice how to get through the boring days before I go completely mad. This constant worrying about how to fill my days is kind of
haunting me and I go to bed worrying about it and wake at 4 am worrying about the day ahead.

Can anyone suggest anything.

Love to all

17-07-08, 20:59
What about applying for and finding a job which you enjoy to get you out of the house all day?

Worried worrier!
17-07-08, 21:00
Hello hun, i KNOW EXACTLY how you feel!
I hate to be alone in the house...even with the kids at the moment. I count the hours when my boyfriend goes to work or the pub because i can't wait to have company. I too get really bored and fed up.
I've recently joined the library and found it really nice to go and have a good look round.
Do you have any friends nearby that you could go swimming with or shopping or just to a cafe?
Hope you're alright x

17-07-08, 21:47
What about some exercise - walking and swimming

Or charity / voluntary work

17-07-08, 21:58
I agree with nic hun
Volentry work or joining a gym and swimming would be good for you hun
You would also meet new ppl and make some friends

17-07-08, 22:20
I'm a bit in the same boat so I know how you feel. I'm starting an Open University course in Sept.. do you think something like that would help you? xxx

17-07-08, 23:26

i'm starting an ou course to. the good thing about ou is they will offer loads of support. they will try everything to provide you with the support needs you need so if you tell them about your anxiety they will work with you to put together a plan which is personal to you and will take everything into consideration

you may even beable to get financial support

enjoy whatever you decide to do

Julie :yesyes:

18-07-08, 00:07
I go ga-ga when bored. The others have already thought of good ideas.

I make lists of things I can do. I find silly things helpful e.g the local library wastes a morning, attacking a bit of the garden is an afternoon out of the way, I shop at the local grocers/butcher etc so if gives me an excuse to get out the house.

I also find having a jigsaw on the go helps and I am a radio addict ( not a daytime TV person either)

18-07-08, 10:36
Thanks for the replies. My anxiety is bad so I don't want to go doing things alone right now. I just couldn't face going swimming alone or going to a gym.

Thanks so much for the replies anyway. xxx


18-07-08, 10:51
Hi Yvonne, do you like computer games? This game was a lifesaver for me last time I went through this http://secondlife.com/. 2 yrs on I still play and and love it. :)

Second Life is a virtual world, a bit like The Sims, it's free to play. You create your own character, how it looks, what it wears and there is so much to explore. Everything in this virtual world is created by the people who play it, the imagination is limitless and you can really absorb yourself in it. For me it is a great creative outlet.

You can also make friends with people all over the world if you choose to. If anyone decides to join, my character name is Creamy Cooljoke so you can send me a message and I can help you get started. :)

Jo x

18-07-08, 11:01
Hi Yvonne

I would seriously consider voluntary work - explain you suffer from anxiety - in my experience charities etc are VERY supportive.

Otherwise computer games are good. I play World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings On Line but as JoT says Second Life is good too. They are all interactive and essentially limitless. A very good distraction with the added benefit of meeting people all over the world IF YOU WANT. You are also on your own but not on your own - if you know what I mean.

Otherwise Nic is always looking for people to help out with compiling competitions, quizzes etc. That is something you could do to fill in your time.

18-07-08, 11:02
What OU courses are you both doing? I was thinking of doing World Archeology with the OU

18-07-08, 12:13
Have You Ever Thot Of Takin College Home Courses Or Working From Home For Now Till You Start Feeling Better........wish Ya Well.......linda

18-07-08, 21:14
xxthanks for that will take a look.

18-07-08, 21:18
Otherwise Nic is always looking for people to help out with compiling competitions, quizzes etc. That is something you could do to fill in your time.

I am indeed - there is the weekly one and the monthly one. Allye has been very kind to send me some for the monthly quiz :hugs:

18-07-08, 21:26
Have you ever considered digital photography ? I find it helps me plan my day so I don't get that void thing when I wake up, it gets me out to take my pics and it gives me something to do when I come back home in transfering my pics to my PC and editing them etc.
You never know you might even sell some of them,there's lots of websites that look for good pics for postcards etc.

Best wishes.

Cathy V
19-07-08, 00:17
What did you do before? did you work outside the home or have you always been at home? if so could this be a reason why you have the dep and anx? you asked for suggestions. What would you like to do?

19-07-08, 00:35
hi allye

i'm going to be working towards my psychology degree. hoping to train as a cbt therapist. had plenty of practice lol :D


19-07-08, 15:28
Hi Yvonne,
I to suffer from anxiety and often have days when i just cant get motivated, i find that reading a good book often helps has you can really get lost in a good story, also i started to do all my own baking, cakes, cookies you name it i try and make it and that has done wonders for the aniety, give it a try
All the best POLLY

19-07-08, 16:56
Hi Yvonne

I am originally from colchester. Colchester certainly does not help with boredom either!

No seriously, I find being around the house, gives me too much time to start thinking and worrying. I understand that depression makes you feel unmotivated but I have to just push myself.

I work three days a week but for the rest of the time I make plans of how I am going to fill my day. Doing some sort of physical activity really helps. Going for a walk or swimming, raises your mood. I think if you raise you level of mood though physcal activity, you will become more motivated/interested in other things, hobbies etc...

Best wishes
