View Full Version : So glad im not alone

18-07-08, 01:26
I hate to say this as it means im wishing my anxiety on others which im not honestly, it just feels sometimes like a weight is lifted reading others posts.
My husband was and is worried about me looking on here as ive had problems on and off all our 19 yrs together, [hes a diamond] but apart from the one post that i wont mention that freaked me out, reading others worries has helped me the last couple of weeks since i joined, I realise im not alone.

one thing i hate about all this is the health anx itself, im going to spend yrs as i have already wasting time thinking and worrying about it, I hate flying and have put up with gonig to the C Islands for years for family reasons, now the kids want to go abroad so last yr I bit the bullet and went, i loved the holiday but the flight was HORRID, never again I said, Mmmm well I braved the booking and we go to Tunisia in 3 weeks, im freaking out again, my kids say that they dont care if they die flying they want to go, [my reason for booking it] they have NO fear at all, I just want to protect my babies, who arnt babies anymore :lac:

18-07-08, 01:44
Hi Eljay,
Hey well done for facing your fear last yr with flying,you managed to have a nice hoilday(albeit the flight!)but you conquered your fear which is good. We all can only take small steps that may lead to big ones and take day by day,its amazing what we can achieve without realising it.
I hope you have a good hoilday this time too,but the only advice I can give you is read the section on flying on here which may help and maybe speak to the doc regarding your anxiety,he or she may be able to give you something to help you relax.Your family sound lovely and give you a lot of support so speak to them about how you can possibly overcome your fear on the day of actually taking off(together you are all a team).Your children are your children and is natural to want to protect them from danger,but you can't push your fears onto them,last time you were fine and you will be fine this time.
The odds of danger are much more on the ground than in the air you know and we don't think twice really about getting on a bus or driving somewhere do we? flying is just the same only in the air.
Our minds are complex things and we can frighten ourselves into believing anything,but half the time we torture ourselves and there is no need.
I wish you well and I hope my advice has been ok
Take care
Mothermac xxxxxxxxxxx