View Full Version : Your priorities?

18-07-08, 03:21
I was listening to a song this evening.

It sang about a man who hated his job and the company he worked for. He hated his boss for the way he was being treated. He envied his wealth and wished he had all his boss owned. He wished he lived his bosses life.

One day he hears on the news that his boss has committed suicide.

Moral of the story? The obvious one I guess is that we all think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

However, to me, it's not what we Have or others Have in life, it's what our individual priorities are that we need to feel happy and content. Money and wealth maybe one persons priorities but to others they may mean nothing.

I think if we're not happy in our health, no money in the world can make us feel happy.

To me there are invaluable things we need in life that money can never buy because although money helps us to survive and it can help to pay to make us well, it cannot buy love which to me gives meaning to life.

My guess though is that the priority for the majority on here is just to feel well. Money and somewhere to live can ease your anxieties but I feel it is within ourselves to find our individual cure by achieving our own goals that what would make us feel happy and content.:hugs:

18-07-08, 08:52
Hello Bill, that's a lovely post, so, so true too.


18-07-08, 09:08
I hated bosses not cause of thier wealth, but because most people I worked for were muppets, hence I don't work for anyone now.

I read some extracts from a book once called Taming the Tiger (notice I said extracts, I have the attention span of a goldfish). It was to do with adopting a Buddhist outlook, while living in the West.

In summary, the message was you can only be truly happy, if you are content with what you have and where you are, and that while you forfeit everything to achieve more because you want to compete materialisticly (is that a word? is it even spelt right?) you will never truly be happy.

I had my doubts though, it was a book about being happy but not once did it mention football or wine.

18-07-08, 10:05
All I want is a safer environment for my kids and for them to have greater opportunities and freedom, a good education and excellent health care. Which is why we're escaping the rat race and moving to what I feel is a better place - Abroad !

18-07-08, 10:06

There is nothing wrong with the UK

18-07-08, 10:07

18-07-08, 10:07
Bill I know that song! Isn't it by Simon and Garfunkel? Could you remind me of the title of it please, I seem to think it's the employer's name but I can't remember what it was now. Let me know please, it's a great song. Thanks! xxx

18-07-08, 10:22
It's ok, I just remembered, it's 'Richard Cory', isn't it? 'And I wish that I could be/ Oh, I wish that I could be/ Richard Cory'. Great song. xxx

18-07-08, 10:31

As usual a fantastic post!! Keep them coming they are fantstic to read and Oh so true!!

Karn xx

18-07-08, 12:19
Hi Bill :D:bighug1:

I always read your threads, they are great, this one is sooo true.

It reminds me of this one, which is good to read, when I first joined this site I printed this off and to this day, still have it on my wall :yesyes:


Thank you Bill, not only for this thread, but for all your threads hun, they are sooo imformative and I feel that all your threads have helped sooo many people, undetstand things a little more :yesyes::bighug1:



milly jones
18-07-08, 13:02
when i was well i was earning a brill salary, but working made me sick.

now i have nothing i think im a better person. im not as worried about material things.

i just have to crack the illness and my life will be much better.

i cant forgive what work did to me even tho i loved it.

id rather have nothing but be happy and healthy

18-07-08, 14:25
Another good post Bill...I hate the way society and in
particular the media seems to put so much emphasis on all the material things....we're constantly pressured into 'having' the material 'things' I do sometimes think we lose sight of the important stuff....I had a colleague who, while a very nice person, consistently made judgements about the size of others houses, the latest model of car, how many foreign holidays could be taken in one year, and had to tell you the cost of everything (and god forbid she would never buy anything but the best)...I used to feel really bad cos I started avoiding her....I usually feel fairly inadequate anyway but I used to feel truly second rate after a short time with her lol!

But then I wonder are people like this ever content, cos the pressure to constantly chase or achieve the next big thing must be endless and exhausting.

Jill, thanks for the link to the 'jar' thread....think I'll print it off too.

luv Coni XX

19-07-08, 02:09

Yes, you are right about the song! I get alot of inspiration from their songs and other songwriters like them because I can often relate to them and they make me think!


I think trying to keep up with the latest gadget is like trying to keep up with our latest worry. Within 6 months a new gadget is out of date just as old worries are! We just wear ourselves out trying to keep up with both and in the end neither really turn out to be that important after all.


Thank you for your kind words. :hugs: I found the jar thread really interesting.

You know, even an Empty jar is full..........because it's full of air and just like in our lives, we often only see an empty jar because our anxieties stop us from seeing the good that exists, even in people. :hugs: