View Full Version : am scared again

18-07-08, 09:00
i have been so good for the last few weeks but have woke up today in such a mess, my face feels weird like a numb sensation all on the left side of my head and face is horrible kind of feels like it is detached if that makes sense i am so scared does any one else have this horrible feeling am so worried x

18-07-08, 09:59
please read somone i am so worried xx

18-07-08, 11:21
please can some one help i am such a mess i really need sum reassurance to help me through this morning am so worried xx

18-07-08, 11:34
Hi berkshiregirl

Can you smile, with your cheeks and lip moving on the left side?


18-07-08, 11:35
hi tom yes i can x

18-07-08, 11:38
OK, then it's not bells palsy. It could be neuralgia? possibly lying on a nerve when you where asleep? The feeling will come back eventually.


18-07-08, 11:41
thankyou tom what is bells palsy

18-07-08, 11:45
Bells palsy is a paralysis effecting the side of the face. But if your left side cheeks are moving when you smile then it's not that. Also with Bells palsy the side of the face that is effected droops. I had it about two years ago but it's mostly all gone now. More than likely what's happened is that you have laid on a nerve on your scalp. It'll go away after a few hours.


18-07-08, 11:51
thankyou so much it was really worrying me thankyou, just one more thing i have a really dry right eye feels like something is in it i am such a worrier today am so cross with myself as i have been so good for a few weeks

19-07-08, 11:35
Hi, sorry I didn't reply before but I have only just read your thread. A few weeks ago I suffered similar symptoms to you. For 3 nights running I woke with one side of my head and neck completely numb, it really frightened me but as soon as I moved into a different position it came round again. I went to my GP as I was certain I must have a brain tumour!! but it was a trapped nerve. Please try not to worry as I am sure that it is you are suffering from.
Take care. x

19-07-08, 11:42
You can search my posts, i have also had the same and thought i has MS..........

Turns out that with anxiety you tense muscles soo bad they feel that way in the face and the scalp,,,, don't worry it will subside hon.

sarah peacock
19-07-08, 11:57
Yes i get it all of the time. the first time i felt it i thought i was going to have a stroke, it was so awful. But i've come to realise after a lot of reading i've done about anxiety that it's normal. I also get alot of other numb sensations mainly when i'm in bed. I wake up with a numb arm or leg witch sends me into panic. Also i've woken up once with pins and needles in my cheek. It's so awful but nothing to worry about.