View Full Version : Post Breakaway Anx

18-07-08, 09:03
That time of year again - Holidays.
Something I have never quite got to grips with.

We are going away for the weekend as a family tomorrow and I have had that feeling in the pit of my stomach for parts of this week. Especially in a morning.
From being agoraphobic about 14 years ago - I have come along way - but this is one thing I always struggle with.
Day to day things largely OK with, run my own business, see clients, go supermarket shopping, visit dentist etc
Trying to tell myself it is no big deal, we are staying in a friends caravan, it is based at a really nice place, I have been before a year ago.
Doing my breathing and relaxation exercises from my CD, on a constant dose of cipralex to keep things at a lower level.
I cannot get my head around this, I get on really well with my partner, I don't know if this is to do with her and my desire not to let her down.
As an example, my partner works every Saturday in three, so on those days I plan to take my daughters out for the day.
The last time, I took them to York Railway Museum, about the same distance away from home as this weekend, no problems, felt a little tense, but nothing to bad.
We had a nice day, even had lunch there.
So why does holiday type situation effect me so much.
Cheers all

18-07-08, 09:55
I'm in the same situation Mike.

We are going away next weekend the first week in the Lakes with the in laws - which I am not looking foward to because I never feel relaxed or like I can be myself with them, I'm worried they will think i am behaving strangely.

The second week is in a cottage in suffolk with my family - who totally understand what I have been going through and I know I will enjoy this because I will feel more relaxed.

It's the anticipation of it which is actually the worst part, the feeling of pressure that you don't want to let anyone down.

You will probably find that when you get there and settle into it you will actually quite enjoy yourself like you did last time, I'm trying to convince myself of this too.

Have a great time
Jo x

18-07-08, 12:20
I Believe Its The Anticapation Of It All ...being Away From Home For The Weekend Or Longer But Im Sure Once You Are There You Will All Have A Great Time ...have Fun Enjoy....wish Ya Well..........linda

25-07-08, 18:46
Thank-you for the replies and support.

Back home now after our weekend away.

Felt fairly anxious and tense at the beginning of the weekend, but got better as the weekend went on.
Sunday was not to bad a day.
Do really like my home comforts, especially my own bed!!!

Need to keep doing these things - I have come along way since the days that I couldn't go to the local shop without having a panic attack.
Run my own business, have two lovely daughters, its just this time away from home that gets me going every time, so need to work on this.
My partner is at work tomorrow (Saturday), she works 2 every month, so I have decided that this is the time I take my daughters on a trip, so I get out and also spend quality time with my children.
Keep well all