View Full Version : Citalopram diarrhoea

18-07-08, 09:17
Often read that you get diarrhoea when first starting or up dosing Citalopram, just wondering how long it lasts and how severe it is ?


18-07-08, 11:15
i normally have terrible IBS ( part of my anxiety ) and i am now on day 5 of 10mg and have no upset stomach at all. try taking it with food if your worried but i dont think it happens to everyone, like i say, i'm fine and normally i get diarrhoea when going to social functions or worried about something, this seems to have helped!

18-07-08, 21:16
Hi I had it for about two days then fine

milly jones
18-07-08, 22:13
didnt do that for me hun

milly xx

02-03-17, 23:04
Are u taking citralopram for depression? As I've found that its not the best for doing what it should do I've found that mirtrazepam works a lot better than citralopram for depression as there isn't any groggy feeling in the morning plus they help with sleep instead of taking zopiclone aswell