View Full Version : Hi everyone...help with medication fears

Jay J
18-07-08, 09:22
Hi All
I have been reading your forums for a while and think they are great.

I have had panic/anxiety for some time now...20+ years.I am able to help myself most of the time and work through the fears...this one however is causing me real problems.

In July last year I had very bad chest pains...no anxiety before they started infact I had been well for a very long time.I ended up in A&E where all the heart tests were done and a few weeks later doing the tread mill test.

They could find nothing wrong.This has happened 5 times in the past year but as the weeks went on I had stomach problems with running to the toilet each morning,acid reflux,churning tummy.weight loss through not wanting to eat as it made the problems worse.

Many trips to the GP later and he has found out I have the H. pylori infection.

The infection is not the problem its the medication he has put me on for 2 weeks.

I have a huge fear of taking medication...he gave them me 3 days ago and I still keep just looking at them finding any excuse to not start taking them.

I have to take Lansoprazole,Amoxicillin,and Clarithromycin in the morning and in the evening.

I know when I start taking them the panic will set in...a fear that I will get every side effect listed.

I know I need to get rid of this infection...but how do I make myself take the medication.

Has anyone else had this treatment that can advise me.

Thankyou so much

18-07-08, 09:33
Hi there, out of those meds I have only taken Amoxicillin.

I do know what you mean about worrying about the side effects, I'm the same - I really think that if you don't read the side effects, you won't experience them. (you've probably read them already though LOL)

I guess you have to weigh up how ill you feel already, what you are suffering from is probably worse than any side effects you will get.

This medication will make you feel better and that you are only taking them for 2 weeks - it will fly by.

Go on, get them down yer neck, you'll be fine :)

Jo x

Jay J
18-07-08, 09:40
Hi Jo
Thankyou so much
Get them down your neck...I keep telling myself that but its not working.

Why can we not go back to the times when the pills were put in a small brown bottle...no information included...

19-07-08, 17:45
Hello there,

this cocktail of meds is required in order to destroy the h - pylori.

You must take them and take them all, at the right time too
This Bacteria MUST be killed off!!!!!!!!

Now leaving Hpylori in your gut has been linked to causing more serious problems down the line, dont panic you have to have the bacteria for years and years but it has been linked to an increase of tummy cancer.

Please take your meds and take them properly as you want to kill it off the first round, don't leave this any longer.


Lisa D
28-07-08, 10:27
Hi Jay J,
I work in a pharmacy and come across medications on a day to day basis. I've taken amoxicillin myself tonnes and tonnes of times as a general antibiotic from my doctor as I've been growing up. Its usually the main port of call for Drs with sick patients who are children- you've probably had it before! Remind yourself, drug companies have to list every last single, tiny, tiny, tiny report of ANYTHING that people may have reported with links to the medication they are taking. It could be, that with millions and millions of people world wide, one person has reported, say for argument's sake, a twitching eye, when taking a medication, they HAVE to list that side effect, because its happened! Even though it is very very rare.
Please don't worry about side effects- the benefits of getting rid of your diagnosed infection far outweigh the downsides- which there may not be any at all. Imagine how great your body will feel after you take your prescribed meds...the aintibiotics- the amox and the clarithromycin, will kill the bacteria in your system, the lanzop is for excess acid in your stomach.
Here's what I'd do, and have done, in your situation: Pop the pills, then put some music on and dance like an actual mentalist for about ten/fifteen minutes till you're laughing at yourself for dancing like a weirdo and your muscles are relaxing because you've been trashing them about- and I mean proper go for it, we're talking jogging on the spot and headbanging :oP After that sing your favorite song, or do stuff that isn't just sitting there thinking about side effects. Get ready to begin your day. By that time, the drugs will have settled in your body, and then you can't go back. Over the course of the day, just keep reassuring yourself that its fine, its fine, its fine.
If you do feel side-effects or start to imagine things, please just go and see your local pharmacist in any chemist, no matter what it is- I work for one of the biggest health and beauty retailers on the high street (not sure if I'm allowed to actually state the company's name) and our pharmacists are always lovely and friendly. Pharmacists are clever, clever peopel and know their stuff, and know allllll the side effects for medications, and even the ones which may not be so common, but as they know the nature of the drugs, can say whether a symptom could possibly be connected with it. Pharmacists are availible to just ask questions to whenever you want- so just call in any time and ask them about your side-effects. They will know!
Don't forget too here in Britain we have the NHS Direct phone line- if you have any problems out of pharmacy hours, just give them a call, I'm sure they can find out and reassure you! You have to take the pills more than once in a day if directed because their effects wear off- just think, if you do experience side effects- these will wear off! They will go away!

Hope this helps, I realise I've babbled on and on :o)

Good luck and don't worry x