View Full Version : Hi all - long time no speak

18-07-08, 10:00
Wow, lots of new names on here. I have been neglecting coming on here for a few months due to spending time getting to grips with having Multiple Sclerosis. Back In February this year I had a mini stroke and then a week later I had a full stroke. During all of this tests were done which confirmed the strokes and also found that I had MS. Looking into my history the consultants think I may have had MS for about 2 years. I have had only a handful of PA's recently, mainly at the time of undergoing tests or receiving test results. I have been signed off from working indefinitely, which adds to the stress as I am just so bored at home. My wheelchair should be here soon so hopefully I'll be able to get out more. Currently looking forward to going on holiday in a fortnight.

Hope 2
18-07-08, 13:32
Hiya Knightbabe

Blimey you have had a lot going on :ohmy: . You sound like you are coping very well though. Where u going on holiday ? The summer here is wonderful so far innit:mad: .When will we ever see the sun again lol !!

Bye for now
Hope xx