View Full Version : Referral: am now worried again

18-07-08, 10:56
Hi - I've posted on here about my sore patches in my mouth and I went back to see the dentist this morning as they've not gone away. He has now referred me to a specialist because "I can't see anything wrong but you've been here three times in four months and I might have missed something". He also said that it would hopefully put my mind at rest - so maybe I should focus on that?

I'm now very scared that he thinks there is something nasty going on and I've been right all along with my fears about mouth cancer. I'm waiting to hear back re my appointment time & am so frightened that I will be proved right...


18-07-08, 11:16
I think he's referred you just to put your mind at rest. He can't see anything and since you've been to him 3 times he may want a second opinion from a specialist that just may put your mind at rest!

18-07-08, 17:27
Thanks Charlottie - am trying to be positive!:biggrin:

Have an appt lined up to get referred to a CBT therapist as well in a few days so maybe that will help with this horrid HA!


18-07-08, 18:01
i had a white patch on my tonsil and i knew it wasn't tonsillitis, i was so scared of it being something bad, as i keep having trouble with my throat, anyway i went the docs nearly 2 hours ago and its a group of white blood cells that has come up to attack my viral infection, its not always what we think, but i understand your worry, the patches may be sore because you may be biting against them in your sleep, he's only investigating, i am sure it will all be fine.

Di xx

18-07-08, 18:28
I am sure he is doing it to help ease your mind that all is ok. Good Luck and keep us posted