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18-07-08, 12:44

Is there. Is there anybody who gets palipitation when taking blood pressure

Cathy V
18-07-08, 13:33
Hi janvi, i think you are meant to get palpitations, as the cuff squeezes your arm and increases pressue so it can be measured, and the pressure causes your heart to beat, not necessarily faster, but certainly stronger.

Hope this helps :)

18-07-08, 15:02
Hi Janvi, yes i think that is pretty common, I haven't had my BP taken for a while but it does produce a lot of odd pounding sensations.

Jo x

18-07-08, 15:05
I have a BP monitor, there is nothing more scary than the beep.....beep.....beep...........................b eep.beep..........beep as it takes your BP when you have a palp.

They are harmless, but they still scare the life out of me lol

18-07-08, 15:49
Hi Janvi,

Yes, as the cuff tightens it is uncomfortable and perhaps you recognize your heart beating more but it isn't for very long. All normal.

Take care,
