View Full Version : Off Day

18-07-08, 15:11
Hi, just need a rant as I'm having an off day today. :weep:

My partner is out of town, he has been helping a lot with ferrying the kids about while I've not been well - but I had to do it myself today. I've been on the meds for nearly 3 weeks and thought I was feeling better, but I woke this morning with that horrible feeling of dread.
I think its a combination of having my period, tiredness, J being away and knowing I have to ferry the kids about myself today.

So, I took them to gym and the car journey was awful, rising panic the whole time, felt like turning back a few times but battled on after a few sprays of rescue remedy.

Then the first car park was full so we found another one and I scraped my car above the wheel arch, because it was such a narrow entrance and I took the turn too wide. I couldn't turn back and correct it because there was a big queue behind me and I started panicking!!!

So now I've damaged my car and I'm fretting about telling J :ohmy:

I've got to go and pick them up soon and I am dreading getting back in the car again. I've got to sit and watch their show in a room full of people, I just feel so anxious...arghhhhhhhh!!

Jo x

18-07-08, 15:27
Sorry to hear you had an off day, i shouldn't worry too much about telling J about the car, i'm sure he'll say " as long as your ok"

I understand your panic about having to ferry the kids about yourself, i never worry about driving.....unless i have been asked the day before by someone to take them somewhere the next day it's not the drivng i worry about it's the panic i start feeling because i have commited myself to doing something that i may not feel able to do when the time comes.
I hate the way i am but i have been like it so long that i know i'll never change, thats not negative thinking thats fact!

Hope you felt better when you had to go get the kids again.

Hopefully this :bighug1: will make you feel a bit better

milly jones
18-07-08, 16:57
hi hun

i did that to the car at xmas, lol, i can laugh now but finished me off at the time. i hit another car tho reversing. ur hb will be fine about it hun , promise

its so hard when u have to do things and ppl depend on u. though i can find i perform at my best sometimes too.

ive had tough day today too. 2 night pas and then my sons leavers assembly this morning. 300 ppl all in a small room. i knew i was going to pa, but managed to control it sufficiently to see 10mins from outside the hall.

i cried when i saw my son afterwards cos i thought id let him down. he said, 'u came mum, thats enough', and we had a big hug.

our families are precious. our children are blessed. all we can do is try our best

milly xxxx