View Full Version : Dizziness followed by vomiting

18-07-08, 15:24
Two weeks ago I had a very trying week. HB was letgo from a job he hadn't even started (they lost an account and were laying others off). I thought I was dealing with it fairly well as I didn't actually have any attacks and didn't have to take the Ativan (Rx for when I need a little extra help). Two days later on the train to work I was really dizzy, to the point where I wan;ted to lay down (there wasn't any room to do that let alone move). It took 5-10 min to get from mild dizzy to completely unknowing which way was up or down. It scared me so bad. It was then I needed to vomit. Luckily the other passengers were able to get out of the way and stuck around to help me and see if I was alright. After vomiting I felt fine...a little lightheaded but normal after vomiting. I was fine the rest of the day although I had to leave work early as I had gotten myself and reeked.

This morning I woke up a little lightheaded and immediatly my mind went to that Friday. One big difference being there wasn't any up and down days like the last time. When I got on the train I decided to take an Ativan as this could be another symptom of an attack coming on. It seemed to work. I didn't vomit but now feel dizzy but I'm preety sure it's the Ativan.

Anyone have any insight?

18-07-08, 15:37
Just wondering, what was your dizziness like? If it was somewhat similar to the type of dizziness you get with vertigo (like everything is spinning or moving around you), it could be labyrinthitis, which is a fairly common inner ear disorder which affects balance, which in turn can make you feel rather sick. My Nana gets it occasionally, and it's nothing to worry about. :) It usually goes in about a week or two, and if it doesn't, you can get medication for it from the doctor. (If it does come back and you don't want to wait that long for it to pass, going to the doctor anyway could help, as they can prescribe medicine to help control the dizziness and nausea.)

18-07-08, 16:15
It started with a little pain in the top of my stomach. If I didn't know any better I would have thought I was having a gallbladder attack (i had it out 3 years ago). Then the dizziness started. I was sitting the entire time. I got really hot and sweaty and my face went completely white as a ghost. It was then I wanted to keep my eyes shut because everything was moving. It was similar to the spins you get while lying in bed after a night of heavy drinking. Where all you want to do is put your foot on the floor to stop everything.

18-07-08, 19:37
Hmm, it sounds like it might not be labyrinthitis after all (and I can't comment on the dizziness unfortunately, as I've never really had a night of heavy drinking ;^^ ). From what you said about the week in general though, perhaps it might be stress-related, as that can affect the stomach quite a bit, or from the way your other symptoms sounded, it might be that you ate something that didn't agree with you. Still, if it worries you at all then perhaps you should go to the doctor if it happens again, just to get a professional opinion. :) And sorry I couldn't really be of any help after all, it's been far too long since I learned biology in school! ;^^

18-07-08, 21:42
Hi - sounds like what I used to get. I was diagnosed with benign proxyminal positional vertigo over 20 years ago. I used to have really bad attacks of dizziness. I went to a balance therapist and he gave me exercises which stopped the dizziness and helped with the attacks. Check out with your dr