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28-04-05, 13:40

Well, here it is again.

It's 12:36am in New Zealand right now, and I have work in the morning. But i've gotten my 12th panic attack in a row.

Always happens when im drifting off to sleep. I will feel as If my heart stops and I have to keep myself breathing. I usually have to get up and wander around to take my mind off things.
Tonight I wasnt even anxious about it, I just started to drift off and suddenly, I get this funny feeling and I know a panic attack is coming.

Now im pretty rational and 12 months ago if someone told me I was going to have panic attacks I would have laughed - unfortunately my mind wont listen to me when I try and convince it otherwise.

Now I used to get panic attacks a few months back, I thought I had heart disease or was going to get a heart attack. I went to the doctor and I was fine, things went back to normal.

But now they're back, it's really irritating not being able to sleep. I KNOW what's going on but it doesn't help.
I suspect coffee may have something to do with it, as it's now starting to get cold here (winter) and Im drinking coffee again.

Any tips? Any advice? Anything I can eat/drink/whatever to help me relax and get to sleep? This is really beginning to take a toll.

28-04-05, 15:24
hi Dave,

My first tip would be to stay off the coffee. My first panic attack happened after three cups of coffee and I haven't touched the stuff since. Before going to bed, make sure you are in a good mood. I always have a nice warm mug of Horlicks (warm milk is also good). Reading a good book or watching a film in bed also helps me..

Sarah :D

28-04-05, 16:38
Hi Dave,

I agree with Sarah about the coffee-I definitely notice a difference in my anxiety levels after drinking a cup. I have switched to green tea, which warms you up, and wakes you up a bit, but has additional compounds that don't make you feel jittery. It still contains caffeine though, so if you are especially sensitive, you might want to try just a little bit at first to see if its OK for you.
I have been drinking Chamomile tea when anxious, and it has been helping me. It is good for anxiety, and also for stomach upset, so if you're feeling this it'll be doubly good ;) Take care Dave, hope some of this helps!


28-04-05, 23:08
Hi Dave

Cut down on the caffiene and see how it goes. You have being here before and you will get over it again. We all will help you however we can.

We take it harder at night, or at least i do as our support network is limited, unlike through the day but you will get there hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

28-04-05, 23:31
Thanks guys. I read the symptoms of Panic attacks on this website and they summed up what I was going through perfectly.

A lot of doctor websites talk about the symptoms in doctor-speak, but your ones described what I am going through perfectly :D

Makes me feel a lot better - no coffee for me today! (Im at work, very tired).

Im only 24 so Im a bit annoyed at having panic attacks this early in my life. I dont want them to start taking control.

28-04-05, 23:35

They can happen whatever age you are but you have recognised them and will get through this. We are here to help you.

You take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

29-04-05, 17:18

Watch out for stimulant drinks too .. and certain painkillers have lots of caffiene in as well.

Hope that you're doing ok today


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-04-05, 23:09
Hi Dave

How are things going for you?

We are all here to support you mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

30-04-05, 12:03
Not too bad actually.

I read something about breathing techniques on your website, and it has helped a lot.

When I am falling asleep, and I wake up sudden with the feeling of 'panic', I practice breathing slowly.

Vola, no more panic attacks.

I think my major problem was as I was falling asleep I would subconsiouly think about 'never waking up', which would set off panic, which would set off hyperventilation.
This is why I would wake up suddenly and almost 'gasp' for breath. Then the panic attacks would set in.

Now, with the help of the breathing, I can keep myself calm and eventually get to sleep. :)

I still think about things I shouldnt when I go to sleep (death and dying at a young age, and so forth), but at least I can keep myself calm.

30-04-05, 13:07
I'm glad the breathing is working for you Dave - you will get better at it with practice. :D