View Full Version : Hello, i have posted before but didnt get much response.

18-07-08, 16:19
My Dr wont really talk to me about Paroxetine and Pregnancy yet as I am not trying at the moment and wont for another half a year.
I now know what type of Obs I need to see BUT I would really like to hear other peoples experiences with antidepressants and pregnancy.

I don't mind what you were on it doens't have to be paroxetine and It could be a friends experience you post me too.

I just need info from every source I can think of, as this is a serious matter to me, I just can't function without my medication.:weep:

Thanks Guys,

Cathy V
18-07-08, 16:36
Hi joyce. I cant understand why your doc wont just tell you what is ok to take and what isnt, even if you arent planning to start trying until later in the year. If he gave you this information it would ease your worries about it, as i can see from your other threads about it that you are worried. I think hes being a bit mean refusing to discuss it.

As for the other members respons, well maybe there aren't as many as you thought with this experience. But then you were only asking about one particular med so now that youve broadened it to any meds, you may get more replies.

Good luck
Best wishes
Cathy xxxx :hugs:

18-07-08, 16:42
Thanks Kathy, I have pushed him twice to talk!!, funny thing is I went to a walk in clinic the other day about something else and it was a lady Dr, so I thought what the hell i'll ask her, she was much more supportive and said Cipramil is an option.
She couln't talk much further about the subject as I was not there for that reason.

I want all the info so I may make an informed choice and by goodness I will find out!!!!!!


18-07-08, 16:58
Is there another doc at your clinic that you can see hun?
Your doc should not be refusing to talk to you about this after all it is his job.
i cant give you any advice about this but i hope there are some who can.
I do think though you should only realy be talking to a doc about this hun as everyone is diff with what meds they take


18-07-08, 17:03
Yes there are two, I thought perhaps because i'm not trying or pregnant they can't reffer me as yet, I'm hopless when it comes to pushing Drs for info.

I am so used to my Dr that has seen me since I was born, but with him being in Aus. I should wait but for someone like me that's a hard thing to do....I can't just relax and forget about it.

Thanks, I was worried some people may think im selfish wanting to stay on meds, Samira has been a huge help too.

18-07-08, 18:34
Your willing being is EXTREMELY important while pregnant. Your stress level etc affect the baby and it is more important that you are safe and able to be okay. I was on Paxil throughout three pregnancy and have three very healthy children that had absolutely no effect from it whatsoever. We have a service in Canada called Motherrisk and you can call to discuss medications etc that are safe during pregnany. They ALWAYS say if the benefits to the mother outweigh any risks then they should take Paxil.
You are by no means at all selfish to stay on meds. 75% of woman are on some kind of medication while pregnant,
huge hugs for you, I am sure this is very difficult

18-07-08, 18:45
Joyce - I just had a look and there are quite a few other posts about pregnancy and medication.

Click on search/advanced search.

Enter pregnant in key words and select search titles only

Happy reading!

18-07-08, 18:59
You could ask a pharmacist, they are usually more knowledgeable about medications than doctors are anyway.

Cathy V
18-07-08, 19:02
Yes charlotte's right, pharmacists know all about how meds effect us. Ive asked them lots of things in the past, so yes worth asking them. xxx

18-07-08, 22:36
Really guys I can not thank you all enough!!!!!!!

The responses to this post have really helped me, they make me feel more positive about my future

Thank you, thank you:bighug1:

18-07-08, 22:37
Your willing being is EXTREMELY important while pregnant. Your stress level etc affect the baby and it is more important that you are safe and able to be okay. I was on Paxil throughout three pregnancy and have three very healthy children that had absolutely no effect from it whatsoever. We have a service in Canada called Motherrisk and you can call to discuss medications etc that are safe during pregnany. They ALWAYS say if the benefits to the mother outweigh any risks then they should take Paxil.
You are by no means at all selfish to stay on meds. 75% of woman are on some kind of medication while pregnant,
huge hugs for you, I am sure this is very difficult

Thank you so very much for your post:hugs:

19-07-08, 05:15
You are very welcome. If you ever need anything please feel free to pm me. Take good care of yourself!