View Full Version : Advice, personal views??

18-07-08, 19:42
Hi Everyone,

Recently I think my anxiety/depression has gotten alot worse than it has ever been. I have always been a definate worrier but kind of managed to keep it under control without meds etc. over the past few weeks however I just cant seem to snap out of it. I have been crying 3 - 4 times a day for no reason, cant be bothered getting out of bed, im achy i have headaches and i cant eat. Im sleeping alot but waking up paniking!
I cant deal with the thought of going out seeing friends and the thought of seeing my boyfriend makes me feel sick.
I was just wondering if anyone else feels similar? How do you cope?
any advice or words would be really appreciated, im looking forward to hearing from you xxx

milly jones
18-07-08, 19:48
for me the answer was visit the doc and ask for help hun.

i tried to deny it for years but in the end i had a breakdown.

i wished i had visited the gp a lot sooner. mind u i hadnt even realised there was anything wrong by that point.

even if u dont want to try meds chat with ur gp, he may be able to refer for therapy.

take care milly xxx

18-07-08, 19:55
thanks milly, i understand what you mean, i guess because i have been like this for so long its just seemed the norm and 'part of me' but lately it seems to be stopping me from enjoying life.
to be honest i feel silly because some people have issues a lot worse than mine. feel as if i would be wasting the docs time... xxx

18-07-08, 20:07
mine has got a lot worse i used to be worse in the winter and alright in the summer but i went to doctors for help broke down and begged but got no where just a change of medication sorry didnt mean to mussel in on your question

milly jones
18-07-08, 20:14
des, hunny if its having an effect on ur life then its not silly or a waste of time

anxiety is am illness like any other deserving of a gps attention.

tracy - is there another gp in the practise that has an interest in anxiety, or praps change docs?

18-07-08, 20:15
no not at all, i used to think that i was alot worse in winter, i slept more, went out less, whinged more!!!
im just finding that right now i have never felt this bad! and its summer so it cant be weather related (although judging by the weather you wouldnt think its july!!!)xxx

Cathy V
18-07-08, 21:04
Hi there to someone who thinks they are disappearing, or they are hiding? you are not, you matter so you need to keep telling yourself that you are important ok? "estoy aqui y soy muy importante" Nunca olvidare, vale?

Cathy xxx :)