View Full Version : appolgises

18-07-08, 21:22
You know those days, When you feel you should apologize for everything.
What you have done, Did. and what you are going to do / say?
Well today is one of those days.
I am really sorry.
Sorry for the people I hurt, Sorry for the times ive been horrible, Sorry to the people who wanted rid, just sorry for everything.
It's driven out of guilt.
I never felt guilty till this.
I just feel I should apologize just for being this. *Shrugs*

Just makes me angry thats all. How you want me to do things, I'm trying okay, I'm trying.

Haven't slept for what feels like days. One more day. Just the one.
I could just pluck up the courage and prove it. but I cant...

Nik xxxx

18-07-08, 21:37

Just wanted to send you some hugs:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

Take care


18-07-08, 21:42
:hugs: huge hugs hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

milly jones
18-07-08, 21:47
nikk hun

i know how difficult it is when uve held in emotions for so long u feel responsible for everyone and everything

its easier to take the blame than believe that someone else is wrong.

ud do anything to make a situation feel right again.

if anyone is kind to u, u think that ur beholden to them, u owe them.

when uv been hurt by someone u love, its very difficult to trust again, and let go for the fear of being hurt.

pls let the doc/cpn know ur feelings.

i know its hard but theyre starting to come out now, which is the hard bit.

but ur on ur way nikk hun, and this will end, it will get better,

loads of hugs from milly
and puffs from dylan xxxxxxxxx