View Full Version : Frightened of the future/ unknown!

18-07-08, 21:50
Hi I don't know what has caused my anxiety but does anyone here get really emotional/almost fightened of what the future may bring?
I got married last year & whilst on honeymoon developed an irrational fear that my husband may die & what would I do without him?!!! Then started panicking about family members etc. If I hear that someone is ill or a sad story I start worrying that it will happen to me! Am I mad? I cry very easily & get really emotional/overwhelmed & often am nostalgic & worry about how quick time goes. Does anyone else seem to have a fear of the future/ unknown? I think I'm going crazy as I seem to constantly analyse why I think like this!!! Due to go on hols next week (terrified of flying) & worry "what if I don't make it there" & "what if I'm ill". I never used to be like this - on citalopram but still have irrational fears!

Cathy V
18-07-08, 21:53
Hi there kermitfrog. There seems to be alot of these posts around at the moment, about fearing the end of the world etc. You dont have to look very far to see some of them in the last day or two...maybe they will reassure you a little too.

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

18-07-08, 21:56
hiya i can relate to that alittle, i always worry about something terrible happening to my hubby and im always fussing. its cos he is the only one ever to totally love me for me, understand me and listen to me, without him i just dont know. xxx

19-07-08, 00:53
I used to be loaded down with a lot of "what ifs". But no one can predict the future. No one can know what is coming. But that can be frightening and exciting at the same time.

But, we as human beings are incredibly strong people. If whatever you think will happen does happen, then yes it will be painful but I think it is more the fear of the pain than anything else.

Me and my b/f had quite an emotional conversation the other night and he was quite upset about dying, where as dying has never worried me because for some reason I have a determined belief that there is more to come.

I believe we are all on a journey. We have to try and make what we can of life. The unknown is frightening but it is exciting as well. We dont know what lies ahead but isnt that great too?

You and your new husband will have a wonderful time, cherish it. Life leads us all onto different paths and every path you take will be for a reason. Good luck to you honey.

I'm sorry if I've not been any help or have been preachy. I just think we should all enjoy life as it is, at this moment. The future is there ahead of us but we are in the now and that's where we should focus :)
