View Full Version : pains in my arm & neck

lou lou
18-07-08, 22:15
Hi i've suffered with PA's pretty much every single day for the last 3 months, the first time it happened, i got a burning sensation down my left arm and accross the left side of my chest, i went to the emergency doctor that night & i've since had it many times again plus i also get general aches & pains in my arm & neck but nowhere else, i've seen my gp & been to hospital twice since then, had ECG'S blood tests & chest x-ray which all came back fine, but i still can't help but worry every time it happens that this time it might just be something much worse, i'm goin round in circles & it's ruining my life i was wondering if anyone else might have had these symptoms & if the could advise me please

18-07-08, 22:20

Get a massage! Trust me it will really help to ease those pains - fantastic relief

19-07-08, 05:22
I am sorry Lou lou. PA's can totally mimic heart attacks symptoms etc. I have been in the ER more than once positive that I was having a heart attack. I was even kept overnight because I had myself so worked up that my pulse rate would not come down and my tropin level was high. I had a stress test and an echocardiogram and EKG and it all got chalked up to anxiety. It was terrifying and even more so that anxiety can cause that to happen. I agree with Nicola, massage works wonders, also learn breathing and relaxation techniques. Do something for you to make yourself feel good. Lots of hugs and I hope you feel better soon!