View Full Version : Emetophobic for 18 years

19-07-08, 02:46
Well, I am 23 years old and have been an emetophobic for 18 years. It all started when I was 5 years old and had gotten sick and my father(being an emetophobic also) freaked out on me. Screaming and yelling. It was very scary and I never got sick again till I was 12. I never knew that it wasn't "normal" to think about people getting sick all the time and having anxiety attacks whenever I did get sick. I totally lose control if somebody gets sick near me or say they don't feel good. I have dreams about people getting sick and I wake up in a panic. My husband got sick in my car last year and I had the worst anxiety attack I have ever had. I just started screaming and cussing at him. I was shaking really bad and couldnt breathe. I wanted to sell my car. I made him clean it 5 times. He knows I have this phobia and would never do that to me. It just hit him. That was one of my worst fears and it came true!! It was such a nightmare. Just need to figure out how to get better and not worry that everybody around me is going to get sick.

19-07-08, 05:28
I have the same fear. It is alot worse in the winter months when the stomach bug season hits, especially now that I have kids! I am terrified of them or me getting sick. I make my ten yr old carry hand sanitizer to school with her! I disinfect everything when someone does get sick which thankfully is not very often. I wish I had excellent advice for you on how to get over this but I myself still struggle. I dont know if exposure therapy would work or make things worse. I cant imagine exposing myself to others throwing up to try and get better!!!
I just wanted you to know that you are defintely not alone with this fear and I hope we both find a way to get over it!

19-07-08, 13:35
Hi MissyAnn,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


milly jones
19-07-08, 14:12
a big warm welcome to nmp

milly xx

19-07-08, 14:57
Hi - i've had emet. for 28 years and like Alison for me its worse through the winter months, my son always manages to pick it up and pass it on.

I am not as bad with it as i have been, but i could be better.

I'm sure you'll get lots of support and advice here :)


20-07-08, 09:59
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. You will also find there are lots of ppl on here who can relate to what you are going through so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care


20-07-08, 10:50
I also had this phobia from when I was a child until I was early 20s, totally terrified of being sick or being near anyone who said they felt sick. I went on my first hoilday in Spain with friends when I was 19 and I was so horrified because people kept telling me to be careful with food and water as it can make you ill, so I didn't eat at all and ended up in hospital.

This phobia has passed for me though, I rarely get tummy upsets but when I do get them, I feel scared that I may be sick. But then if I actually am sick (rarely) I realise when it is over it's not that bad and I feel better afterwards.

It is an understandable phobia, as you are not in control over what is happening to your body and your father made it a terrifying experience for you when you were little because he was frightened of it. Have you tried a CBT course or some sort of counselling to help you think more logically about this fear?

20-07-08, 14:02
Hello Missyann And Welcome ......wish Ya Well....linda

20-07-08, 16:24
I haven't tried the CBT course but the thought of having to watch somebody get sick scares the heck out of me.

milly jones
20-07-08, 20:01
a warm nmp welcome to u hunny

love milly xx

21-07-08, 15:51
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

21-07-08, 21:15
Hi Missyann

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help