View Full Version : Hey There!

sarah peacock
19-07-08, 15:08
Well i've been suffering with anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia now for the last 6 yrs. At first i thought i was going mad and i went to the doctors and i was told i'm having panic attacks. I didn't believe that that's all it was at first and i seen another 3 doctors before i finally believed it. I have had several councilling sessions that seem to help for a while but now i just feel that it will never go away. Sometimes i feel great and it can last for weeks and then i have another panic attack and feel like i'm bk to square one. I also worry about my health all of the time and i'm absalutely petrified of dying. There has got to be light at the end of this dark tunnel! Surely. x

19-07-08, 15:15
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


19-07-08, 15:31
Aww sarah,
welcome to nmp, believe me there is a light at the end of the tunnel, i have recovered from my agoraphobia.

You will get lots of support here

best wishes

DI xx

19-07-08, 19:22
Hi Sarah

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

milly jones
19-07-08, 22:15
a warm welcome to the nmp community

hope u find help and support here

milly xxx

20-07-08, 05:56
Welcome! I hope that you find this forum as helpful as the rest of us!

20-07-08, 09:52
Hiya Sarah :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. You will also find there are lots of ppl on here who can relate to what you are going through so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care


20-07-08, 14:08
Hello Sarah And Welcome To The Site.....wish Ya Well.....linda

20-07-08, 14:43
Hello Sarah

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advise and support on here

Take care


20-07-08, 15:40
Hi Sarah

I am the same as you, agoraphobic, anxious and new to this support group. My Clinical Psychologist has said to me that your anxiety will never go away as it is a normal bodily response that you could not live without. The key is how to handle it and the abnormal bodily sensations that accompany the fight and flight response.

The first thing is not to fight it, live excepting the anxiety and the abnormal response will eventually deminish to an exceptable level. Then eventually you will forget yourself and hey presto you shuld be back to normal. I have followed her advice and over three months I have now progressed to going out to a large shopping mall today. Yes I did feel anxious and dizzy at times but I ignored the symptoms and they went away. I even allowed my wife to disappear for 10 minutes so I was by myself in John Lewis.

The important thing is to take things slowly and build your confidence up. Live for the present and do not think of past problems or expected anticipatory anxieties. If you do, these in themselves will bring on major anxiety symptoms.

I do hope you get help from this forum, I have only been a member for around a week and already I don't feel so alone.
All the best and don't let it beat you

20-07-08, 16:08
Hi Sarah,

I'm also agrophobic so can sympathise with your sitatuation. Like Ron said I think it's about not resisting and not getting too down when we suffer a blow- which is easier said than done I know. I'm right back where I started again but I'm determined not to give in so will start all over. I hope you find things here to drive you forward.

All the best


21-07-08, 15:55
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

21-07-08, 21:14
Hi Sarah

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

sarah peacock
22-07-08, 14:40
Thanks to all of you! i feel welcome already,