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View Full Version : people affecting panic

The Fool
19-07-08, 18:48
hey i wasnt sure were to put this but um do you think the people your with and how you feel about them can like affect your anxitey? becuase i had a friend who i used to hang with all the time but i never really felt that comfortable with her and i always used to panic before she come over or we got together but then when i was in the ilc i would have panic attaks with people accept with this one boy who i felt totally comfortabe with he sorta knew what to say when i did panic though i didnt as much when i was with him. is it the people? or is it just me being weird?

19-07-08, 19:27
Totally Totally Totally!!!!


19-07-08, 19:43
Absolutely. I can go from feeling relaxed and confident to red faced, sweaty and panicky in 30 seconds flat. Just takes the wrong person to appear.

19-07-08, 21:40
yes I totally agree.
I can go for a day out if I'm with my brother but no-one else.
My social anxiety was so bad I banned everyone from visiting me....my brother somehow got in. I just feel relaxed around him. There is no expectation for me to be anything other than myself.

so, no, you're not being weird!

milly jones
19-07-08, 23:04
i feel safe when somebody understands my sa and shows empathy.

then im great

if i feel judged or unworthy then i clam up, get anx and have to escape

ppl give off a persona that either accepts or rejects me

thats what makes me feel comfy or not

milly xx

The Fool
23-07-08, 13:24
yeh for me the main person who used to make me feel so good about myself moved away and them leaving i think si why i started like this.i somtimes wonder if they hadent gone i might be normal or at least of been able to deal with it better with them by my side missing them makes me panic every other person ive ever met even that guy i have felt such an idiot when panicing with them. why does this make us feel so stupid?