View Full Version : Medicines

19-07-08, 18:56
I realize everyone reacts differently to drugs, but I am super sensitive to most everything. I have anxiety, panic attacks, and hear voices; all happening within
the last 3 months, with no history of anything more than worry. I've been in the
hospital for 4 weeks trying to get medications that I can live with. Clonazepam
was terrible, but Cipralex is good.
Then I was on Seroqueo, Geodon, Risperdal, and Zyprexa; they all caused me to be very drowsy, and all but Geodon causes heart palpatations, shaky, & flu-like symtoms.
So, it's back to Geodon. They just want me on so much, I can't drive, and definitely can't work.
Any suggestions?:huh:

19-07-08, 19:21
Hi Dee

Sorry to hear your having a rough time - its terrible trying to find a good med cos you have to get the side effects then wean off if no good - why come off cipralex if they were good?

19-07-08, 22:00
I'm still on Cipralex, Ativan, and then the search for the right Antipsychotic.

20-07-08, 13:51
Ive been lucky the tablets I was put on seem to be right first time although Ive had to have my dose increased