View Full Version : A Little Bit Of Me..

19-07-08, 23:01
Hi there all, not really sure what to write so here goes. I have been suffering from panick attacks since i was about seventeen, & i am now thirty three, also i must say im also an ex heroin addict who used to regulaly try & kill myself, My life has been a roller coaster of events since i was eleven, with my step father beating me then my mum putting me into care. I thought i had got over most of this at the beginning of the year but have now realised i have just buried it, & now im starting to think of scary thought again....

milly jones
19-07-08, 23:15
well a warm welsh welcome to u hunny

nmp is a great site full of ppl who will support u and offer advise

take care

milly xx

20-07-08, 01:00
hi there and welcome, you have been through alot and like u say sometimes we think we block things out and then forget but it always comes back to haunt us at some point, have u had counselling for all this? i recommend CBT as i have this. congrats and welldone for getting off drugs mate that in itself must av been hard for u. well keep posting and we will do our best to help u, hugs xxxx

20-07-08, 01:12
hi and welcome to nmp youl get loads support on here and info and well don for cuming off drugs must bein so hard for you tc xx

20-07-08, 03:26
Hi Welsh

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

20-07-08, 09:54
Hiya Sarah :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. You will also find there are lots of ppl on here who can relate to what you are going through so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can. Have you spoken to you doc hun and got any counselling to help you deal with your past? it could also be a good step forward if you havent.

take care


20-07-08, 14:07
Hello Sarah And Welcome To The Site ,,,,wish Ya Well,,,,,,linda

20-07-08, 14:36

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advise and support on here


20-07-08, 14:54
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


20-07-08, 16:11

It sounds like you have come through alot so you obviously have the strength within you. I hope you find in NMP some way to start moving forward.

All the best


21-07-08, 15:54
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

21-07-08, 15:56

Welcome to the site you will get alot of support and advise here

Take Care

21-07-08, 21:13
Hi Welsh

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

22-07-08, 10:41
Hi how are u 2day ? are u going 2 the docs 2 day if so tell them u NEED 2 get help asap ...im seein counsillor 2moz again and going 2 push 2 b refered 2 see sum 1 else x
Its hard getting out I understand that totally im trying 2 do little bits each day even just walkin 2 bottom of street and back ,even though I have 2 wear sunglasses as it seems very bright when i go out so I do look strange .
hope u get on ok at docs