View Full Version : stupid repeating, any1 relate to?

20-07-08, 00:38
have mentioned this in my last thread briefly. I can not stop blowing bubbles on my tongue, and when i get anxious it happens a lot more. I also have been swallowing a lot, and then repeating swallowing.
My worst time is when i anticipate or actually have an unwanted intrusive thought. After the thought or image, i will replay what i was doing at the EXACT time of having the thought, this could include, touching somethig (object), or i would also worry if i was blowing bubbles with my tongue etc.

As i have mentioned in my last thread, i am currently going threw a stage where i anticipate, or have UNWANTED intrusive thoughts around children, this is my worst worry and bothers me a lot, however sometimes i will not actually have a thought around a child, but later i will still hav this feeling of guilt and worry, especially if i can not reasure myself of what i was doing around the exact time, of seeing a child.

I have also started to check things, e.g. if i am walking with my girlfriend down the street, and a women walks past with a child, i have to turn round and check that i did just see them both together, then i will check or repeat something i was saying or physically doing at the time of seeing them e.g. scrathing my head. I no this must be hard to understand, because i dont understand it myself half the time. I have been told that i have GAD, but not OCD, however i have not told my nurse some of the above, as i do not no how to explain it to her. If any one can relate to any of this crap, please reply a.s.a.p, as it is really bothering me.thanks mak.


20-07-08, 06:01
I am defintely not a doctor but the things you are describing are much more commonly associated with OCD than GAD. I have both and the checking and the repetetive things are classified under the OCD. I twirl and pull my hair instead of blow bubbles and I am a constant checker. You need to tell your GP or nurse all of what is going on so you can get a proper diagnose. In some cases the medications and treatments for OCD versuses GAD can be quite different. Either way I hope things get better soon for you!

20-07-08, 08:42
thanks ally, for your advice, will do my best to explain everything to her at my next session.mak.

20-07-08, 08:44
Another thing, would you mind giving me an example of what type of things you check, if you dont mind, and are they similar to what i have explained??mak.

21-07-08, 03:02
Sorry it took me so long to respond!
I tend to check the smoke detectors every single night before bed. I will come back upstairs just to make sure the doors are locked two or three times. I check the stove and burners all the time. I check on my kid while they sleep constantly and usually wake them up! If I see a child outside on the street I will check and make sure there is an adult close by, I check alot! It sucks and really wastes alot of time. I am better than I use to be though. I use to be a counter. I would count steps I took, tiles on the floor, pretty much anything I could count. It was awful.
I also tend to check the expiry date on something even if I had it an hour prior I will check again just to make sure. OCD is a funny thing. I hope you get a proper diagnose and if you ever have any other questions feel free to pm me.

Worried worrier!
29-07-08, 21:57
It's OCD.
Many many people have this....more than you realise.
There is help out there for it.
Hope you're okay