View Full Version : can u help

28-04-05, 19:11
Hi great site...
I have been suffering from deppresion for over 3 years (on 45mg of mitazapine) and last year started to suffer with panic attacks my gp has been understanding..i have been seeing a pyscoligist (nhs-15)times but feel i am getting worse i ended up in hospital last week panic attack and migraine.. gp put me on half inderal for couple weeks. now i dont want to go outside in case it happens again my psycoligist has taught me to relax and breathe but that goes out of the window when i have an attack what else can i do my thoughts are so deppressing and cant seem to change it...:D my family dont understand and i feel they think its some thing to laugh about...

28-04-05, 19:15
hi and welcome skippy.
sorry you're having a tough time of it.. There is so much useful info on this site for you to look at and it makes you realise you are not alone. We are all going thru tough times but we are here to give support and show the way out..
I also have a tough time with bad thoughts, but have to remember thats all they are.. just thoughts..
you'll find lots of help here..

28-04-05, 19:16
hello Skippy,

Welcome to the forum!! :)

Often people who don't suffer from depression/panic attacks are not very sympathetic, mainly because they simply don't understand. I stayed at home for 3 months once because I was too scared to go outside. Unfortunately, that doesn't help. As soon as you get into the habit of staying at home, it's very hard to break it. Maybe you could try some relaxation tapes. There are loads out there and some are very good. Also, rescue remedy helps a lot of people. You ca get it at Boots and you just spray it on your tongue and it really takes the edge off things..


28-04-05, 19:24
Hi Skippy,

What a shame about your family not understanding but you still can start to cope with the panics and learn to implement your breathing exercises.

You do need to continue to go out otherwise agoraphobia will set in and thats to be avoided at all costs..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-04-05, 20:16
Hi skippy,

Welcome to the site, you will get loads of help and support on this site as every one understands what yr going through and how it feels, read the welcome page if you have not already that will help u understand things and just ask and there will always be someone here to help you.

take care

kairen x

28-04-05, 20:19
Hi skippy,
I too have trouble controlling my breathing and i really feel for you. I understand completely what its like to have family who dont understand or who think you should just be able to 'get over it' as i have been told on many occassions. I have only discovered this site today but im thinking that this is a good step on the road to recovery because talking with others who know how it feels can really take the loneliness and isolation away from it and give you the motivation and positive thoughts needed to move forward. I wish you all the luck in the world x

28-04-05, 20:42
Hi Skippy and welcome,
Sorry you are having a rough time right now, take things slowly, one step at a time, but do as said before, and try to get out on a regular basis, even if it is to the end of your garden, the front door, end of the road etc...it is very hard once the old agrophobia sets in, don't set yourself too high a target, just small steps at a time. Sorry your family are not being very understanding, it is hard for many people to appreciate how difficult this old anxiety/depression is, also i've found over the years, like many things, when people don't know how to help or what to say, they make a joke out of it. not funny, i know. take care and keep in touch.

28-04-05, 21:16
hi skippy and welcome to the site,
i'm sorry you've been having such a rough time of it. i think it's really important to try to relax as much as you can, which will calm your breathing down and make you feel less on edge. my relaxation cd is a total life saver so i would definitely recommend you get one.
don't forget you are not alone and you will beat this!
henri x

28-04-05, 22:32
Hi Skippy and sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. People who dont suffer unfortunately dont understand what we are going through and i have being on the other side before i did and found it hard to understand.

I hope we can help you get through this and to hear from you soon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

28-04-05, 23:07
Hi Skippy

Welcome to the forum. I also suffer from depression and panic due to social phobia.

Sorry that your family are not understanding. This unfortunately often happens when they have never experienced anything like this and are not always willing to try to find out how to help and be supportive.

Hope you find it helpful being here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-04-05, 12:11
Hi Skippy,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the mo. Sorry to hear your family don't understand much. Remember we are all here to support and help each other through it there is lots of advice and friendly people on the site.

Hope you feel better soon,

take care,

Love PIP'S X

29-04-05, 15:54
Just to say thanks for the messages its helped me loads knowing some one cares thanks again.....

29-04-05, 23:04
We are always here to help if you need it and will do all we can to get you through this.

You take care of yourself.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

03-05-05, 15:26
hi i have had a bad day suppose to of went to a day centre but made excuse up didnt feel well. i know i will have to go tomorrow as i promised my daughter but getting panic attacks the thought of going i know its for my good to get out but hate it feel so uneasy when i am there.:D

03-05-05, 16:34
hi Skippy,

The more you go, the easier it will get. Have you tried using rescue remedy? This could really help you dealing with the anxiety in going there.

Sarah :D

03-05-05, 16:44
Hi Skippy,

Its awful that feeling of being so on edge but its only by going and getting through a day or two and seeing that nothing awful is going to happen to you there, that the feelings are going to get easier.

Allow a little optimism about it ' what if ' you quite like it ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-05-05, 14:18
Hello Skippy,
Welcome to the site:D:D

take care


04-05-05, 17:05
thanx sarah and meg (hi maxine) i went but had a bad day. does any one else feel embarrest when they have a panic attack i feel every one is watching me and thats one of the reasons i dont want to go out..my mum has got me some rescue remedy today so will try that out.. i will try anything to help. thanks again for your support i dont get any from my family....

04-05-05, 18:52
Hi skippy and welcome

I often feel that everyone is looking at me which of course escalates the panic attack. Remember you are not alone and the site is great and extremely supportive. I used to think that I was the only one that had these strange symptoms and found many of them hard to explain but I find myself chuckling as I read the posts not because they are funny but because I thought I was the only one.

Take care stay stronge

love mandie


05-05-05, 17:12
Hi Skippy

Welcome abord the forum.

How are things going for you at the moment. Is the Rescue Remedy working atall?


05-05-05, 20:07
Hi Nicola
mum got me the recue remedy tried it felt bit of a high (lol) but i dont get out much.. my sister is taking me into town tomorrow so will take it before i go and hope it helps me...i go to a day centre tuesdays and wednesdays i hate going i seem i cant mix with people shake all the time iam there one of the carers understood panic attacks and was excellent with me but she has left and it has been hard to go but i promised my daughter to keep going so will try recue remedy hope it helps i hate feeling the way i do and think its easier to stay at home...thanks for all your help everyone

05-05-05, 20:10
**i hate feeling the way i do and think its easier to stay at home**

Yes it feels truly horrid, but staying at home is only easier for today - it makes going out tomorrow harder.

Have you had any CBT ?

Psychotherapy/ CBT: CBT Questions (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=222)
Maxines success CBT : Maxine's cbt progress. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2308)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-05-05, 20:21
Hi Skippy,
am so sorry you are having a bad time right now, i can truly understand how you are feeling, it is so hard trying to go out when you feel so awful,but believe me, it is even worse when you have given in to not going out at all, try (and i know it's hard) to take a few steps at a time, literally, you have had these awful feelings before, they will not get any worse, you will not collapse or die, when i have to go out, i sometimes print off things from this website and read them for re-assurance, crazy i know, but people think i'm reading a shopping list or whatever, and it has worked for me at times, it is awkward when you have a panic/anxiety attack, i always have a little excuse up my sleeve, bad back, little hot today etc...to distract any attention from myself. take care.

05-05-05, 20:39
Hi meg
Yes i have been seeing a pyciastrist 3 years and she sent me to see a pycoligist i have been seeing him since october 2004.. i until reading this site thought he was doing me no good could not understand him pushing me too go out thanks to this site i might understand him better.....i cant belive iam even writing on this been so down for years and this site has made me relise i am not alone....well done to the people who started this site up...:D

05-05-05, 20:51

Glad you're beginning to understand ... without understanding none of us want to do anything new or scary, but once you know why and how it will help, it makes it a tiny bit more worth the effort and becomes a bit more bearable.

Ask your psychologist whether its CBT you're having ?

You could show him this site and print out some particular threads you found most helpful which will help him/ her to know what bits to work on more, then we can all work together to help you through to progress.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

10-05-05, 18:51
Thanks meg
I am seeing him monday and yes i have home work.....i have some thing to do at my day centre (wednesday) but its hard going there never mind what he has asked me to do (i can pm u it but it involves others) and i have to write all my problems out and sort them out into problems i have no control over etc etc....
i went to see my g.p today and spoke about this site he was interested so i gave him the web address..he also put me on diazepam what do they do to you he has warned me about them being addictive.. so thats another worry..i tried asking the pharmacist but a brick wall would of gave a better answer...iam sorry to keep asking for advice...but i feel this is the best way i can get back in control of myself...thanks again everyone on this site that has helped me.


10-05-05, 19:00

Hi again.

Diazepam will calm you but be careful as they will make you drwosy so they advise you not to drink alcohol (this will increase the sedative effect) and don't do anything where full concentration is needed - e.g. driving.

I used to take them to calm me and they work very well but like he said they are very addictive so they tend to only prescribe 10-20 at a time.

What Mg has he given you?


10-05-05, 20:14
Hi Skippy,

Welcome to the site. Hopefully, it will help you to know you are not alone.

We are all here to help and all understand. Try and take small steps and good luck.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

11-05-05, 08:12
Thanks Nicola

I am glad you advised me not to drive when taking diazepam i am on 2x2mg... i go this morning to my day centre thought i would try 1 to see if it helps me to get there and get through the day there. i will get a taxi just in case.. i cant belive nothing is said on the bottle about driving etc..i have been up most of the night (i hate wednesdays) got out of going tuesday for a while.....
thanks again

11-05-05, 14:29

Hope today went ok and if you are feeling very woosy with 2 of valium you can break it in half and just take 1mg.
The dose of valium is a very individual thing.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-05-05, 20:34
Hi meg
Thanks i took half a tablet before i went and felt calmer people there noticed a diffrence in me (no shaking)but i know i have to really go there without those tablets i have a deal with my daughter and wont let her down.. i might even try next tuesday but i will see how i go in next few days....
thanks again for your help

11-05-05, 21:07
To use half a tablet is absolutely fine to help you get there initially or you can just take it with you knowing you have help in your pocket should you really need to use it ..

Well Done


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-05-05, 15:13
Thanks again meg for your reply...
i felt really good going to my day centre for once (i want to aim to go there without medication) had a laugh 1st in months.. but the down side was my pyscoligist asked me to say some thing there and i cant i want to forget it...not looking forward to seeing him monday...but thats another day....also went out tuesday evening to a see a friend 1st time out in the evening in 2 years and that went well.. i feel this site has helped me loads knowing i am not alone (panic attacks) thanks...

12-05-05, 15:35
*i felt really good going to my day centre for once*
**see a friend 1st time out in the evening in 2 years **

Thats such very good news ! Well done Jenny


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

13-05-05, 16:19
sorry to be a pain
i went to my doctors the other day and he spoke about putting me on (risperdal) (wrong thing to do) looking it up on the net and now i feel ~(i am crazy)

13-05-05, 16:31
You could delay going on it for a few weeks and see how you're doing ..

Don't read the psychosis bits - read the mood stabilizer bit ..It is being used more for anxiety .

Just like some SSRI's are not directly licensed for anxiety but are good anyway. Every knows them for depression but they have multi use .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

13-05-05, 19:36
Skippy - I agree with Meg - see how things go for a bit with the Diazepam to help.

Good luck with it all. Don't worry about being a pain - You AREN'T atall ok?


18-05-05, 17:10
Hi its me again.....
having a bad time at the moment not been out of the house only to see my psycoligist (monday) i think i am going to give that up as well he makes me do things (i know i have to do but cant) and that gets me more down feel a failure in everything i do at the moment and it so hard to try and be (normal) as my daughter has her exsams for the next month.

18-05-05, 18:49
You need to be allowed to do things in manageable steps and have time to get used to it before moving on.

If you do give up your counselling who and whats is going to motivate you and push you to keep doing things and going out ?

Good luck for your daughters exams


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

18-05-05, 20:03

Don't give it up please.

You do have to do things that you can't and don't want to but then you have to decide if you really want to get better.

It can be done but maybe if the things are too big then ask for easier things. For example, I had to go on a bus as one of my tasks (from Sheffield to Rotherham). I hated it but did it but what I am saying is maybe just go on the bus for one stop then get off - that is still an achievement.

What sort of things does he want you to do?


18-05-05, 20:54
Hi Jenny,

I agree, take small steps at a time. My goal last week, was to walk the dog on my own. Whatever you do is an achievement. Even if its going to the local shop, hoovering the car, even cooking dinner. Everything you do is an achievemnet to yourself. Don't give up, keep talking to us.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

19-05-05, 21:04
Thanks meg,nicola

Thanks meg and nicola for your comments made me think (who will push me) other than my pyscoligist.. made me relise he's only trying to help me..thanks jenny

23-05-05, 20:14
Thanks again
Meg,Nicola and Emma

went to the psycoligist it was a hard hour..I (thought) he would have a go at me and of course he never.. have some more home work keeping a log on my hourly moods and what iam doing..(not much)..
I have been using rescue remedy and is working for me.. now i have to build myself up to go wednesday to my day centre..
My friend usally comes round to cut my hair but tomorrow i am going to try her house.

23-05-05, 21:19
Hi Jenny,

Glad today went ok for you. I wish you well and good luck going to your friends tomorrow. You can do it.

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

23-05-05, 21:31
Hi Jenny

Well done for getting to see your psychologist. There is no reason he would be cross with you and this wouldn't achieve anything. Just keep going at your own pace and do your best to do the tasks he sets.

Good luck for getting to your friend's tomorrow. You can do it.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-05-05, 21:36
Nice one Jenny and well done for keeping going there !

Try doing one extra thing each day to keep you occupied for a bit.

Good luck tomorrow


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-05-05, 21:54
hey, i think their is no worse place than when you have depression and cant see a way out and no one seems to undertand how you feel. when i started with my panic attacks i was terrified to go out of my house incase i has an attack..afraid of the fear, embarassment and lack of control. its definatley not something to laugh about,it will be hard for a while but u will get control of the attacks, it may be totally the wrong advice but for me meditation, herbal remedies and a ton of positive thinking will help and i know its hard but try not to avoid situations it only creates more anxiety, good luck and take care jade x

jade lloyd

23-05-05, 23:51
Hi Jenny

We are all here for you and we will support you all we can. You are having a hard time which we understand but it will get better hun and however we can help you we will.

Keep in touch and let us know how you are.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

24-05-05, 10:57
THANKS every one for your support .
It really helps me move on.
i am just waiting for my sister to take me to our friends and want to ocupy my mind so cant think of anything going wrong.
Thanks karen i get told he won't have a go at me but i feel i am letting him down if i don't do what he asks and if he can't help me who can..
thanks again

24-05-05, 14:10

Thats the spirit....

Well done on looking for some distraction !


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

24-05-05, 22:22
Hi Jenny

You're not letting anyone down. All you can do is try your best to do what he asks. No one can do more than their best can they?

How did you get on with going to your friend's house today?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

24-05-05, 22:50
Hi Jenny

Hope you have had a good day. How you feel counts and i am sure you pushing yourself is as much from you as from other people telling you.

Well done and hope you are feeling okay.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-05-05, 08:53
Thanks for all your support.

I had a good day out (recue remedy) helped loads..
Thanks karen for your words of support..
but the down side i am not going to my day centre today been up most of the night about it i want to phone them to see if i can speak to them about the problem i have going there.
Thanks again

25-05-05, 09:33
Hi Jenny

Sorry to hear you havent had much sleep. If you can i would phone them to discuss how you feel, hope you manage to do it hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-05-05, 10:06
Hi Jenny

It is horrible not being able to sleep. I have the same problem and am frequently awake all night.

Hope you can sort something out with the Day Centre to enable you to feel better about going.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-05-05, 14:04

Do you know what it is about going there that is such a problem ? I hope you managed to find a way through it..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

25-05-05, 21:17
Hi skippy...welcome :D

25-05-05, 21:22

Remember confidentiality is paramount. You are doing well despite this....


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

25-05-05, 22:10
Hi Skippy

How did today go, did you manage to make that phone call and get to the bottom of why you dont like going there. Hope you did and look forward to hearing how you are.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-05-05, 09:41
Thanks Everyone for there support.means alot to me.

I did phone them but i could not bring myself to say about the problem i have going there but (thanks - meg) your advice has solved my problem in 1 message.
I am really going to push to go next week i know the longer i leave it the harder it will be.
I feel i am getting control of my panic attacks (resue remedy)
NEXT its to get out of this depression.

26-05-05, 09:57
Hi Jenny,
everyone here is wonderful and supportive as you can already see ;o), i'd just like to say welcome and hope you're doing ok.

I have read your messages and i can see that you have achieved lots so very well done to you.
Take everyday one step at a time, take time for yourself don't worry about anyone, remember most of us haven't always been this way, proof it can happen to anyone at any time, if someone laughs at me i always remind them of that.

Take care
Sharon xxxxx

26-05-05, 11:55
Way to go Jenny!!

Somtimes we just need a hand to see things from a different angle and do something to change the situation.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-05-05, 15:11
went to see my doctor thursday and he asked me how i was feeling on diazepam told him didnt like to take them worried about the addiction.
so he has put me on risperidone 1mg twice a day got to go back in 10 days to see how i am getting on with them.
Today i feel so drowsy and suppose to be going out tonight nephew's football presention not looking forward to that but will go loaded with recue remedy.
thanks for all your help everyone.

28-05-05, 19:39
Hi Jenny

I hope the football presentation goes well tonight. Well done for being determined to go despite not feeling up to it.

Hope the drowsiness wears off. Perhaps you could get out for a breath of fresh air first, as this might help you feel a little more alert.

Let us know how it goes.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-05-05, 13:27
Hi karen thanks for your support

I went and did not enjoy it at all but my nephew was over the moon that i went so that's a bonus. (he won 2 trophy's)
I hate being in crowds and especially people i know i feel people are always looking at me.
But my daughter says i have a crazy hair cut no wonder they stare at you but i have other issues on that idea.
I left early the tablets are making me drowsy, i did not take one this morning try and get my senses back.
thanks again

29-05-05, 14:21
hi Skippy,

Well done for going last night. It doesn't matter that you didn't feel good the whole time. The important thing is that you did it!!

Sarah :D

29-05-05, 18:12

See, you can do things that make you uncomfortable and still survive..

Well done for going and staying through it.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-05-05, 19:04
Hey Skippy,

Welcome to the site!!!

tracy x x

29-05-05, 22:18
Hi Jenny

Well done for going and for staying even though you felt so uncomfortable. I am sure your nephew was very pleased and you can be so proud of yourself for going.

I can relate to the feeling of being watched as with my social phobia I feel so uncomfortable being in groups of people. I find myself analysing everything I do and thinking others will think I am doing or saying something that is stupid. In reality most people are too busy with going about their own business to pay any attention. It doesn't stop me worrying about it though.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

30-05-05, 02:00
Hi Jenny

Well done for going out. Knew you would and could do it. Hope that has given you a big confidence boost.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

30-05-05, 14:06
Thanks you guys for your support.

I feel i can explain my self more.

About 6 years ago i had accident at work slipped and knocked myself out since then i have a balance problem.
i have to hold onto things or i will fall and if i go out i have to hold onto some one.
That is the reason i don't like going out and think people are staring at me i get very frustrated.
My memory is not too good either and i can't keep a conversation going forget what iam am saying.
The pc and writing alot down has been helping me loads and have been getting confidence with your help.
I got depression about 2 years after my accident tried to re- train for a job but in the end they said it looks like i can't work due to memory problem so i went down hill from that.
Panic attacks starts when i feel some one is looking at me (the way i walk) i know i have to ignor them but it's hard.

Got that off my chest feel better.
Thanks Karen you are a diamond.

30-05-05, 15:02
Hi Jenny

It cant be easy after your accident at work and the damage it has left with you hun, but you are doing really well and the main point is that you are trying and that in itself speaks volumes.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

01-06-05, 07:53
IWent for a massarge last night it was excellent i am going to start going every week lucky i have a friend that don't charge me.

It's the dreaded wednesday again comes round too quick for me.
But meg you have helped me in this and i am going.
could not sleep last night and i got up to stop laying in bed stressing myself out but it's another 2 hours to go.

Thanks for your help everyone

01-06-05, 12:27
Thats great about the massage - so therapeutic.

Hope today went ok for you..

I understand about your balance issue - well done for keeping going and looking for progress.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-06-05, 18:53
Hi me again
I had a horrid morning at my day centre it was there a.g.m the last thing i wanted to go too,they were suppose to have phoned me to let me know it was a meeting. so i sat on my own out of the way.

But there was a good side to going- one of the carers that use to work there came in was chatting to me i got the courage and i told her about the problem i have going there and she is coming to my house tomorrow to sort it all out.

Thanks to everyone on this site for your help

01-06-05, 19:07
You were there and you stayed despite not being at ease so that in itself was great.

The carer coming tomorrow is a huge bonus .. make the most of it !


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-06-05, 19:30
Glad to hear that the carer is willing to help - hope it goes well!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

01-06-05, 23:01
Well done for going and staying Jenny even when you felt uncomfortable.

It is great that the carer to coming tomorrow to help you sort out the issues about going to the Day Centre. I hope it goes well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-06-05, 00:22
Well done Jenny, you stayed, however uncomfortable you felt.

Good luck for today when the carer comes round, hope it all works out for you and cant wait to hear how it went and what you have got sorted.

Best of luck mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

03-06-05, 15:01
Hi everyone
THANKS for your support you have helped me loads..

The carer phoned could not make it but has phoned me every day to reasure me that she will be up too see me monday. and too take me out 1st to the doctor's and then she is taking me out for a drink and chat.

I had a row with my mum yesterday and told dad i dont want to see her any more.
Today i dont feel anything towards her havent had a disagrement with my parents for over 20 years i use to see them every day.. so i am just going by the hour at the moment over it i feel i am in shock.

03-06-05, 15:31
Glad to hear that the carer is being so helpful!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-06-05, 17:10
Hi Jenny,
You have done so well recently, keep at it slowly but surely, as they say! Sorry to hear about arguing with mum, that must be awful,please do keep in touch, and a you say one hour at a time eh? xxxxjean

03-06-05, 22:32
Hi Jenny

The carer sounds really helpful and I am glad will be seeing you on Monday. Hopefully you can sort out the problems regarding the day centre between you.

Sorry to hear about the argument with your Mum. Do you generally have a good relationship with her?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-06-05, 12:18
Hi Jenny.

This is such a good site. Have been reading your posts and replies....you have come a long way.
I'm sure that you and your Mum will make up.
I remember when my phobia 1st started, the arguments we had were terrible, it's because we both didn't understand what was happening.

Be proud of what you have achieved.
The accident hasn't helped. Hubby can relate to that. He hasn't been able to work for a long time and like you has a memory problem.
He has just started to write his personnal memories which has triggered off other memories to come back...maybe this might help you??

Anyway b4 I bore you...once again you are doing well. Keep up the good work!

with good wishes


05-06-05, 21:23
Hi skippy I'm new here too,
As everyone's saying we are all suffering similarly & can hopefully help each other out.

My family never used to understand either, they are very good now, have you been able to sit & speak with them in depth about how badly this affects you?

You said you feel very uncomfortable at the day centre, is this because you feel people are going to judge you, or because you find it hard to socialise & feel alone & uncomfortable even when you are there?

I do hope you find something to help you out, not sure I can give you any advice as I find things very hard myself, I shut myself away too & as people are saying it's the worse thing to do as it just isolates you more & makes things much harder, If you can't even make it out the door can you just open it or maybe open a window.

Take Care, hope things ease off for you

Ramishka x

People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next life.

06-06-05, 23:29
Hi Jenny

Well done for speaking off how you felt and it must have being hard for you and hope you were listened to hun.

Hope it works out with the carer and let us know how it goes.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-06-05, 16:28
Thanks for all your replys.
The carer came and was to take me to the doctors to tell him how i have been feeling but the doctor cancelled got to go and see his replacement friday not looking forward to that.

The carer had a good chat with me i feel better about going tomorrow (wednesday) i talked about why i hated going and she has given me a diffrent view on how i look there, thats helped me and she is going to see me at least once a week for a while to try and help me get out of my depression she seems to be 1 in a million carer.

Still not talking to my mum and it's seems to be getting to me today i hate feeling so down all the time wish i could get a break from it. but one thing lifts me and a big hammer round the corner to bash me back down.

Thanks for your help everyone

07-06-05, 23:43
Hi Jenny

Sorry the doctor's appointment was cancelled. Do you have anyone that could go with you on Friday?

The carer sounds great and it is good that she is going to visit you weekly for the time being. I hope this regular supports really helps.

It is so good that she has helped you view going to the day centre in a different way and you are sounding so much more positive about going tomorrow. I hope it goes well for you.

We all feel like we start making progress and then get pushed back down again, but gradually the down times will get less as you become stronger and you will be able to pick yourself up and carry on more quickly.

I hope you can sort things out with your mum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-06-05, 23:47

Best of luck for friday and will catch up with you when i get back from my hols.

You take care of yourself.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-06-05, 09:33
Hi All!!!
I'm not sure weather i'm doing the right thing here but i just wanted a friend, i've tried to find a penpal with same problems as me with no luck, so here i am.
i have suffered from depression for the past 5-6 years with no let up, i self harm and hide in my room. i am currently trying to come of anti depresants as i have been on them for 5 years and dont feel they are working.. SCARED!!! anyway if there is anyone out there, i'm here. stace


09-06-05, 09:41
sorry, i posted in the wrong place, very sorry. i'm new stace


09-06-05, 11:38
Hi Jenny,

Just wanted to say, you are doing very well.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

12-06-05, 03:47
Sorry to hear about that... I know that panic sucks I deal with it every day !

I know that this is a great forum and you will get tons of advice!


14-06-05, 15:27
Hi everyone
Not been too good depression and personnel problems not helped but think my new tablets are helping. (riperal).

Wednesday coming round again[^] i am trying my hardest not to think about it and wait till the day comes, i was cool about going last week and hope once i get there tomorrow i will be fine.

My pyscoligist is not at all helping me 2 weeks in a row he has not asked me how i am feeling, For months he has pushed me to go to the day centre now he is saying if i dont want to go then dont and i am not to do things people tell me (like him) i can't see his point,
he wants me to look at voluntary work it takes all my time to go to the day centre so how can i volunteer for anything,
he don't even know i am on new tablets i don't get a chance to speak too him.
Thanks for your help everyone.

14-06-05, 15:48

You've been doing so well. Keep hold of that thought ... once you get there tomorrow find someone to talk to and distrct yourself until you settle.

Let us know how you do ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

14-06-05, 20:12
Hi Jenny

Remember that you were fine once you were there last week and you can go tomorrow and be fine again.

You are doing really well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

15-06-05, 07:29
Thanks Karen and meg

Your comments help me.
Better than my family do.
I can't sleep much and dwell on things too much.
I had my massarge tueday evening and that helps me.

Thanks again

15-06-05, 08:26
I hope it goes OK for you today Jenny.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

15-06-05, 14:48
Hi Jenny.

I think we all can dwell on things too much, your not the only one.
Good luck for 2day lets us know how you get on.

with good wishes


15-06-05, 21:26
Hi everyone
THANKS for your support it helps me out.

Another wednesday over not too bad.- ( my memory is bad,) and some one new started there and i spoke to him and it came out he was a person that hit me when i was trying to stop a fight at my son's local footy match 2 years ago straight away panic, but rescue remedy helped me out i thought why should i run away again from everything and he appoligised and explained it was heat of the moment so i felt calmer.
Kate (carer) came in to see me and took me home had good chat with her she is going to take me out to shops and busy places to help me out i think she is so sweet my family don't do half what she is helping me with.

15-06-05, 22:14
Wow Jenny - good for you !!
Thats an excellent attitude to take. You are making progress.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-06-05, 23:16
Well done Jenny. Even though parts of it were difficult, you stayed and got through it. You are doing really well.

It sounds like you are getting a lot of help and support too from Kate and I'm glad this is helping.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-06-05, 07:30
Another wednesday.

I know nothing bad is going to happen but i still get stressed out going to my day centre once i get there i feel o.k and glad that i go.
I don't sleep well and that don't help always feeling tired.
Up too early dont have to get there till 10.30 so just sit around dwelling on things i am trying to take my mind off it but that's hard.
Thanks for your help everyone

22-06-05, 08:57
A real JFDI moment Skippy... Push through it and remember how each and every week has been fine.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-06-05, 17:35
Hope you had a good day Jenny. Remember that you are able to recognise yourself that you are fine once you get there.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-06-05, 20:40
Thanks meg and karen

For your support as usal it was fine i just hate getting there and mixing with people.
The people there are so careing and are starting to understand depression and panic attacks one of them has been interested in this site and is going to let people know about it hope it helps them out the way it is been for me.
thanks again

22-06-05, 21:16
Glad it went well when you got there Jenny. I can understand it being difficult for you going and mixing with people, however you are doing really well. The more you keep pushing yourself to go, the easier it will become.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-06-05, 22:50
Well done Jenny

For next week try to find something about going that interests you so you're not so dreading it.

Its great though that you've been going regularly now.

Good news too about them being interested in us !


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-06-05, 06:11
hi Skippy,
My family is the same way. I am sorry to hear your having a rough time and if u feel like chatting don't hesitate to IM me or go into the chat room. Everyone here is so understanding and it's great to have people around u that r supportive. Many of them have been dealing with this for a while and have some great ideas. Hope to talk to u soon.

23-06-05, 07:21
Meg,Karen and eeyorelover

The support i have got off this site has been helping me loads knowing i am not alone in this my family make me feel alone they are still the old type pull yourself together.
That makes me even more down if it was as easy as that i would be happy but it's not finding it hard work but giving it my best.
Kate is up today she has helped alot someone to talk to and don't judge you.. like my psycoligist i feel he don't understand how i am really feeling i am just another number to him finishing with him soon so i will see if he has helped me or not.
thanks again

15-07-05, 17:17
Hi All
I am back again have been doing well with panic,
Depression still bad but wednesday i had a panic attack at my day centre and now feel i dont want to go back again.
I know the reason why it happened but can't find a way to stop negative thoughts.
Kate came to see me thursday and said i did not make a fool of myself but i know i did i was really doing well no panic and getting out alot more but finding it hard again 1 panic in 2 weeks and it knocks be back hard.
I had run out of 1 of my tablets (half inderal) was hoping to come off them as i was doing well but gone back on them to help me out at the moment.
Finishing my cbt so not sure what to do next.
sorry to be a pain.

15-07-05, 21:20
Hi Jenny

You are not a pain at all.

Kate is right, I'm sure you didn't make a fool of yourself. Everyone there attends because they have issues themselves so there is no need to feel awkward about going back. It sounds like it has really been helping you.

It is the negative thoughts you are having about this which make it feel impossible to go next week, whereas once you are there I am sure you will be fine, just as you have in the past.

Keep doing your best to get out and about rather than allowing yourself to become more restricted again.

You CAN do this Jenny.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

15-07-05, 23:49
Jenny - glad to hear you've been doing so well . Thats great news

If you know why you had a panic it does make it easier to cope with and not to put it down to the place etc

Good to hear you've been getting out a bit more too


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-07-05, 11:28
Thanks Meg and Karen for your reply's.
I know it was a panic attack i felt people were watching me that makes me feel worse and not having 1 in couple weeks felt harder...
I know it's because the man i spoke earlier about turned up again he has not been in couple weeks and it was a shock to me...
I am trying to be positive about going wednesday.
i have been going on tuesday afternoon to the gym with them and been hard but i found out wedneday this man is going so not sure if it is worth going back.
kate has given me great support and has been taking me out more than my family.

17-07-05, 18:45
Jenny ,

Great that you knew what it was about. It does make it easier.

What does Kate think about the situation with this chap - can she influence what goes on there so its not so uncomfortable for you.

It would be an awful shame to stop going altogether because of this issue.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-07-05, 18:51
Glad that things are going a little better and that you are getting good help/support :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

18-07-05, 14:40
Thanks again Meg and seh1980
I have spoken to kate about him told her what went on with him at the footy match.
She has told me that i can change my days at the centre so i don't get to see him,
i feel it hard to mix and just got used to others there i am in a bit of a state over this as i promised kate i will go on wedneday.
I went to see my psychologist today and spoke to him about it and he said i am being silly over it but he wasn't there that day.
So at the moment i am not going to the gym tomorrow will try hard to get there wednesday.
thanks again

18-07-05, 14:47
Seems like a reasonable compromise, Jenny

Hope Wednesday is good.

20-07-05, 20:42
Hi all
I did not go out to the gym tueday but made the day centre today(wednesday) it was a stress going but made it i hated feel the way i do was doing so well and some one comes along and mess it up.
Kate is coming tomorrow to see if i can get help with my depression as i agree my psycologist helped me in panic but not depression he says its just bad thoughts i get up feeling down but not panic..
I will try anything to get out of this rut i am in..

20-07-05, 23:38
Best of luck for tomorrow and we are all here to help you hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

21-07-05, 00:08
Well done for going Jenny and having a good attitude


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-09-05, 16:13
It's me again
I haven't been to my day centre since London trip so tomorrow is going to be hard to go, not looking forward to it as new people have started there and some i got to know have moved on.
Also suppose to be going to open evening about evening college thursday all happening in matter of days and in a state about them.
Kate has been a good help to me and has promise to be at my day centre tomorrow to help me out.
thanks for your help

06-09-05, 16:39
Hey Jenny

Good to hear from you.

I wish you very well for tomorrow and Thursday. Think about when you were in a routine and going regularly and it was going steadily.

Glad Kate has been a good support.

Meg xx

07-09-05, 21:33
good luck from me too

08-09-05, 06:55
good luck jenny

08-09-05, 06:58
Hope yesterday went well for you Jenny.

Good luck for the open evening at college tonight.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

09-09-05, 16:12
Thanks for your support every one.
my day centre was good kate has explained to the carers about my panic and sitting around loads of people they both spoke to me about it so feel more happy about going there.
I went to the open evening felt bad all day think it was the thought of going. Anyway the Tutor was off ill so waste of time,
Made me relised i would be in a classroom full of strange people not for me at the moment.
kate is looking at other things i can do so will keep trying.
Thanks for your help,

09-09-05, 16:15
Glad it went well at the day centre for you.

Sorry to hear about the open evening and I am sure something will turn up for you soon ok?

In time you will hopefully start to feel more confident about being around lots of people.

You live in Luton don't you? I could pop round one lunchtime for a quick visit if you aren't too far from the airport? Just a thought.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-09-05, 16:43
Hi Jenny

Glad to hear Kate was so helpful again and it is good that you now feel happy to be going back to the day centre again.

Well done for attending the open evening. It doesn't matter that you decided it wasn't for you at this time, the point is you went and that took a lot of courage.

I hope Kate can sort something else out for you that you feel more comfortable with. What kind of course are you interested in taking?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

09-09-05, 16:58
Good that it went well Jenny.

and thats you're realistic and Kate can help you


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-09-05, 15:12
Thanks again for your support everyone
I would love to meet you nicola if you want i will pm my address if iam near enough for you to visit that will help me loads.

11-09-05, 15:45

Please do PM your address and I will be in touch.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

25-09-05, 20:44
I dont know how to put this.
Kate has got me an appointment to go on the new goverment way of getting you back to work.
I dont want to let kate down but am struggling with panic over it.
I dont go till friday 30th.Kate will be taking me but that is not helping.
I dont see my psychologist till november and he had suggested me looking for voluntary work so everyone is telling me to get out of the house and do some thing.
Not what i feel i can do.
My doctor has told me to stay on my tablets so still on them in a bit of mess at the moment.

25-09-05, 21:46

I can completely understand your huge concern about the return to work scheme.

Voluntary work is definately the less pressurizing option, maybe its worth looking often yourself to see if there is anything that appeals rather than waiting till they come up with something and you feel pressurized with it.

Volunteering ... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3767)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-09-05, 04:46
Hi Jenny

I too can understand how you would feel pressured by the back to work scheme.

Voluntary work would be less pressured and if you could look into this yourself you could find something you might like to do and could cope with, rather than feeling pressured into something you're not comfortable with.

Let us know how you get on.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-09-05, 20:12
Thanks Karen and meg
I see Kate on wednesday so will tell her i am feeling presure with what is happening. i just don't like letting people down so best thing for me to do is stay in the house.
thanks for your help

01-10-05, 16:05
Just a up date
Had terrible few days leading up to interview (friday).
I met Kate and she took me, it was some thing from a comedy show.
I wont be going back there,kate agreed with me on that.
she felt bad putting me in a bad situation but i am just having to laugh over it.
I suffered for days about going but went there.
Now kate is looking into some thing else for me to do.
Thanks for the support i had from this site.

01-10-05, 16:51
Well done for going Jenny and even better that you can laugh at it !!


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-10-05, 20:55

Glad you can find it funny now!

I haven't forgotten about coming to see you either!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-12-11, 18:53
Skippy...are you there darling? x